Life is Strange вики

Коридор в Академии Блэквелл соединяет классные помещения, ванные комнаты и кабинет ректора Уэллса, выход через главный вход Академии Блэквелла и дверными проемами во внутренние участки академии.

Эпизод 2 - "О дивный новый мир"[]

Skip Matthews escorts Chloe Price to her locker after she got suspended or expelled. She examines items such as her school books in her locker and can throw most in the garage bin while searching for weed in her secret stash. Afterwards, she goes into the bathroom and vandalizes it with graffitis.


Hover over the text to see Chloe's comments. See here for all interactions in the game.
  • She can look at her doodle.
  • She can look at her photo of Bongo.
  • She can look at her homework.
  • She can look at her pencil case.
  • She can look at the signatures.
  • She can look at her signature after writing it (Chloe Price '10... almost!).
  • She can look at the locker on her right.
  • She can look at her chemistry book.
  • She can look at her geometry book.
  • She can look at her English book.
  • She can look at the metal poster.
  • She can examine the secret stash.
  • She can grab Justin's note from the secret stash. (required)

