"A Moment of Calm" is an optional gameplay element in Life is Strange 2. Moments of Calm are special moments in the game when the protagonist, Sean Diaz, may sit or lean against an object and contemplate his current situation with relaxing music playing in the background. They usually provide additional information or the protagonist's inner thoughts and give the player a chance to rest. A new feature in Life is Strange 2 is the addition of multiple speaking participants, who the player can either initially join or be interrupted by.
There are 11 Moments of Calm in Life is Strange 2, four of which can no longer be returned after exiting (bold printed), e.g. by right clicking on PC.
Episode One - "Roads"[]
Location | Comments |
"If things go well... Should I bring Jenn back here? Maybe Dad won't like her, or... she won't like him. Or worse, she could get along with Daniel. Dude, stop! I'm not even dating her... Yet." | |
"Damn... I'm so tired... Feels like we're walking nowhere... How am I supposed to take care of us out here? I don't even know what happened back there... to that cop...or Daniel... How can Dad be..."
(Daniel interrupts Sean's monologue and a chat between the two starts.)
Daniel: "Whoaaaaaa... Look at that..." Daniel: "Yes! I can build anything! We just have to find some cool blocks around here and be careful of Creepers..." Daniel: "Frodo is always ready for adventure, Sean-Wise." Daniel: "I'm ready, sir!" | |
Note: Only available if Sean hasn't annoyed Daniel too much at the riverside. Daniel asks Sean to join him on the rock when Sean goes to light the campfire.
(Sean sits down next to Daniel.)
Daniel: "It's... beautiful!"
Sean: "A dragon!"
Sean: "Andrew!" Daniel: "Ooo... I see something else! There's a giant douchebag!" | |
"Dad always had a thing for gas stations. We've stopped at so many on our road trips. He says they're all kind of the same, they feel familiar, almost like home... The same bad coffee, same nasty toilets, same food... but I don't feel at home at all."
(Daniel interrupts Sean's monologue and a chat between the two starts.)
Daniel: "Sean? I'm hungry, can we go eat something please?" | |
"It's nice out here... Wish I cared. Puerto Lobos, Mexico... Can I get us this far? And safe? How can we get there without money... And Daniel still doesn't know what really happened... How the fuck am I gonna tell him...? Me and Daniel just... have to take it one step at a time..." |
Episode Two - "Episode 2: Rules"[]
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"I feel like this last month has just... flied over us. We're so lucky we found that old cabin. Gave us time to rest and... Process all that happened. Brody was right. We're stronger now. We look out for each other. We're in this together. These woods are so peaceful. So quiet. No planes, no highways... Just the river... Continuously flowing. I wish we could stay here longer. But Daniel's health is getting worse every day. And the food is running low. Will we need to move... Again?" | |
"It's so weird to be back here again... Claire and Stephen are kinda weird sometimes, but... They do care about us... and I'm glad they're spoiling Daniel... wish I could. Dad never really got along with them though. I barely know them... Heh, family, right? We're safe, that's all I need."
(Daniel interrupts Sean's monologue and a chat between the two starts.)
Daniel: "What are you doing, Sean?" |
Episode Three - "Wastelands"[]
Location | Comments |
"So this is it... once again. Can't pull our shit together for more than a month." "At least I got to try something new... different... with Finn. Feels fucking good."
"At least now I feel like I've changed... Got a tattoo, feel older..." "At least for once it was a great fucking month. Did a lot, learned a lot." "At least... for the first time, I don't miss home. I just wanna move forward. I already miss these psychos, though."
"But if we manage tonight's plan... Maybe we'll stick together for a while." "Maybe I should've just followed Finn. Stick with the crazy, and see..." "We're on our own, now. But I feel... confident?" "Shit, we'll see. Stop overthinking. You're not a teenager anymore." |
Episode Four - "Faith"[]
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Note: Activated during a scene, not free-roam. Sean heads outside for a breath of fresh air, and Karen joins him. If Sean stays outside when given the choice (optionally smoking), they have a brief conversation followed by the moment of calm. (Karen and Sean's conversation.)
Sean: Hey, um... mind if I bum a smoke?
Karen: Oh, man, Esteban hated when I smoked... He didn't want me to die an early death... Fuck... life can be so cynical, sometimes... (The moment does not trigger. Sean returns inside.) |
Episode Five - "Wolves"[]
Location | Comments |
"Now I can see why Karen likes it out here... it just took a while. She really doesn't want to be a part of society... except just this tiny one... She did screw us over though... But Daniel is so happy to have her back... Get to know her..."
"I still don't know how I feel..." "Sucks that it has to end today... I don't know if he will see her again." | |
"This place is such a trip... It's kind of like a desert mirage... You think you can see it... but the closer you get, it changes... I thought the people here would be like freaks... but they're just sick of the bullshit..."
"Now I sound like a local... I guess I'm always gonna be a visitor..." "I'll definitely miss all this peace and quiet... Hope we can find some..." |