Life is Strange Wiki
Choices and Consequences

LIS2 Wolves Transparent
This article is about Life is Strange 2. For information on Life is Strange, see here. For information on Before the Storm's, see here.

Choices and Consequences are a main gameplay element in Life is Strange 2. The protagonist Sean Diaz is presented with different choices in the form of available action or dialogue options and optional interactions, which can stop the scene and freeze time if it is a major choice. After a choice is made, one or two wolf symbols will appear in the lower right corner, depending on whether the choice impacts Sean, his brother Daniel Diaz, or both. The choices made during the episode, along with comparisons with friends and global statistics on choices made will be revealed to the player at the end of each episode. The associated consequences will often be revealed later on in the same or in subsequent episodes.

Throughout the story, several trackers affect Daniel's attitude and actions:

  • "MLTY" and "BRTHD" measure Daniel's Morality and Brotherhood in integers. Upon starting Episode 2, the code verifies relevant choices from Episode 1 and sets the two scores accordingly. From that point onward, the values will fluctuate and impact Daniel in terms of commonly accepted moral standards and his trust in Sean.
  • "StealCount" measures in integers whether and how much theft Sean performs in Episode 1, consequently influencing Daniel in that regard as well.
  • "RestrainedUsePower" measures in integers Daniel's Power Confidence in Episode 2. The code verifies relevant choices before the final scene with Chris and sets the score accordingly.
  • There is also a boolean "SwearIsOK", which establishes Daniel's inclination to swear; an enum "Heaven", which influences Daniel's faith; and an integer "MLTYAtStartE5", which copy-pastes Daniel's Morality upon starting the final episode to determine how he behaved between Episodes 4 and 5.

The game tracks Sean's relationships with other people as well:

Episode One - "Roads"[]



Give the Chock-O-Crisp to Daniel
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 2 points.
  • Episode 1
    • Daniel will be happy that he got the bar.
    • If Sean knocks on the door of Daniel's room, the little brother will thank Sean for what he did.
    • In the forest, if Sean stole the Chock-O-Crisp from the parked car, Daniel will be willing to share the bar with Sean.

Give the Chock-O-Crisp to Esteban
  • Episode 1
    • Esteban will hand the bar to Daniel.
    • If Sean knocks on the door of Daniel's room, the little brother will remind Sean of what he did.
    • In the forest, if Sean stole the Chock-O-Crisp from the parked car, Daniel will ask if Sean wants a piece of the bar but will eat the whole thing anyway.

Keep the Chock-O-Crisp for oneself
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
  • Episode 1
    • Esteban and Daniel will both be surprised by Sean's decision.
    • If Sean knocks on the door of Daniel's room, the little brother will remind Sean of what he did.
    • In the forest, if Sean stole the Chock-O-Crisp from the parked car, Daniel will ask if Sean wants a piece of the bar but will eat the whole thing anyway.

Esteban's Question[]

Lie to Esteban
  • Episode 1
    • Esteban gives Sean $20 and scolds him for lying.
  • Episode 4
    • In Sean's dream, Esteban will say that Sean's good grades make up for his lies about the money.

Tell the truth to Esteban
  • Episode 1
    • Esteban gives Sean $40 and thanks him for being honest.
  • Episode 4
    • In Sean's dream, Esteban will be particularly proud of his son's behavior.

Hugging Esteban[]

Hug Esteban
  • Episode 1
    • Esteban will hug Sean and tell him to be careful.
  • Episode 4
    • In Sean's dream, Esteban and Sean will be slightly more affectionate with each other.

Refuse the hug
  • Episode 1
    • Esteban will be understanding and joke about Sean being too cool to "hug the old man."
    • Sean will lament to Brody later that he missed the chance to hug his dad the last time he saw him.
  • Episode 4
    • In Sean's dream, Esteban will briefly joke about Sean refusing to show affection.

Jar Money[]

Steal money from the jar
  • Episode 1
    • Sean will have an additional $10 for later in the game. This will not contribute to Daniel being inclined towards stealing. (Sean will have $20.30 or $40.30 to spend during the episode, depending on if he told the truth to Esteban).

Don't take money from the jar
  • Episode 1
    • Sean will not gain any additional money at the start of the game. (Sean will have $10.30 or $30.30 to spend during the episode, depending on if he told the truth to Esteban).

Put some money in the jar
  • Episode 1
    • Sean will have $10 less for later in the game. (Sean will have $0.30 or $20.30 to spend during the episode, depending on if he told the truth to Esteban).

Argument with Brett[]

Confront Brett
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Morality score by 1 point.
    • Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 2 points.
  • Episode 1
    • Before reaching the gas station, Daniel will thank Sean for sticking up for him.

Question Daniel
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 2 points.
  • Episode 1
    • Before reaching the gas station, Daniel will scold Sean for never believing him, using the incident with Brett as an example.

Parking Lot Theft[]

Stole in the Parking Lot
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Morality score by 3 points, no matter whether Sean performs both actions or one.
    • Raises the Theft score by 1 point for each action (a total of 2 is possible).
  • Episode 1
    • Sean can reach through a car window to steal a Chock-O-Crisp, and/or he can break open a lockbox with a rock (there is nothing inside).
    • If the Chock-O-Crisp was stolen, Daniel will get out the Chock-O-Crisp to eat that night.
      • He offers to share it with Sean, but if Sean kept the Chock-O-Crisp for himself or let Esteban decide at the start of the game, he'll eat the whole thing anyway as "revenge".

Didn't Steal in the Parking Lot
  • Episode 1
    • Daniel will not have a Chock-O-Crisp that night.
    • Sean can promise Daniel to get a Chock-O-Crisp for him later. Daniel will say he's hungry for Chock-O-Crisps and hopes there would be some at the next store.
      • In the gas station shop, Daniel will note what Sean has promised him when he spots the Chock-O-Crisp bars.

Californian Family[]

Send Daniel to beg for food
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 3 points.
  • Episode 1
    • Daniel will gain some chips, contributing to the amount of nutritious food the brothers will eat at the end of the scene.
    • Doris Stamper is guaranteed to accuse the brothers of bothering her customers, if spoken to.

Beg for food yourself
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point, regardless of the result.
  • Note: It is possible to succeed or fail to get food, depending on the dialogue options chosen. To succeed, the Family Mood score must be ≥ 2 while begging. Sean must also be careful not to seem suspicious or agitate the father.

Conversation outcomes that put the family in a better mood:

  • Sean wishes the family a happy Halloween, and the mother banters with Daniel about him talking. (+1)
  • Sean muses about the weather and successfully avoids suspicion, telling the mother that they got a flat tire or that they're camping ONLY AFTER he examined the Tacoma Rock Campground sign. (+1)
  • Sean asks the family if they're visiting and successfully avoids agitating the father, reassuring them that the regional snowfalls shouldn't be that bad. (+1)

  • Episode 1
    • If Sean succeeds:
      • This will contribute to the amount of nutritious food the brothers will eat at the end of the scene.
      • Doris Stamper will accuse the brothers of bothering her customers, if spoken to.
    • If Sean fails:
      • Daniel will lament about Sean being unable to get food.
      • Doris Stamper won't comment on bothering her customers.

Don't beg for food
  • Episode 1
    • Doris Stamper is guaranteed not to accuse the brothers of bothering her customers, if spoken to.

Bear Station Theft[]

Steal from the gas station

Caused by: Stealing an item from the gas station shop while Doris is distracted either with her crossword puzzle, the puppy, or she turns around for a moment.

  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Morality score by 4 points.
    • Raises the Theft score by 1 point.
  • Episode 1
    • Sean is able to steal one item without getting Daniel involved (including the Chock-O-Crisp).
    • Doris will become hostile after Sean steals an item and will keep a close eye on him. If he wants to steal more, Sean has to ask Daniel for a distraction.
    • If Sean insults Hank during the confrontation in the back office, the man will kick Sean in the face and call him a thief.
    • If Sean attempts to steal the camping gear but chooses to run in the end, Brody will advise him not to get caught if he needs to steal something.
  • Episode 2
    • An entry from Sean's sketchbook shows that he continued to steal supplies for himself and Daniel between Episodes 1 and 2.
    • Sean will have a larger amount of money left at the beginning of the episode.
  • Episode 3
    • An entry from Sean's sketchbook shows that he and Daniel had to resort to stealing again between Episodes 2 and 3.
    • If Sean is sober at the campfire and decides to tell the group about Hank Stamper, he will mention that he and Daniel had to steal food from the gas station. Hannah will comment on that with amusement.

Steal while Daniel distracts Doris

Caused by: Asking Daniel for a distraction and stealing at least one item from the gas station shop. Sean must either successfully steal one item or fail to steal multiple times; that's when he gets a prompt to ask Daniel for a distraction.

  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Morality score by 6 points in total.
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 4 points in total.
    • Raises the Theft score by 1 point for distracting, then 1 point for each stolen item (of which a total of 4 or 5 is possible).
  • Notes:
    • Daniel loses 2 Morality points and 2 Brotherhood points for the distraction, as well as 4 Morality points and 2 Brotherhood points for stealing from the shop.
    • Sean may, in fact, steal one item on his own, then send Daniel to Doris and do nothing about it. The game will still record that Sean stole while Daniel distracted, and as long as it does, the impacts will be as presented above.
  • Episode 1
    • Sean is able to steal multiple items from the shop, except the Chock-O-Crisp (unless he managed to steal it before asking Daniel).
    • If Sean insults Hank during the confrontation in the back office, the man will kick Sean in the face and call him a thief.
    • If Sean attempts to steal the camping gear but chooses to run in the end, Brody will advise him not to get caught if he needs to steal something.
  • Episode 2
    • An entry from Sean's sketchbook shows that he continued to steal supplies for himself and Daniel between Episodes 1 and 2.
    • Sean will have a larger amount of money left at the beginning of the episode.
  • Episode 3
    • An entry from Sean's sketchbook shows that he and Daniel had to resort to stealing again between Episodes 2 and 3.
    • If Sean is sober at the campfire and decides to tell the group about Hank Stamper, he will mention that he and Daniel had to steal food from the gas station. Hannah will comment on that with amusement.

Don't steal anything from the gas station

Caused by: Not resorting to stealing inside the gas station shop.

  • Note: If Sean fails to steal something, sends Daniel to Doris, then does nothing about it, Daniel will still lose 2 Morality points and 2 Brotherhood points for the distraction.
  • Episode 1
    • If Sean insults Hank during the confrontation in the back office, the man will kick Sean in the face and tell him to watch it.
  • Episode 2
    • An entry from Sean's sketchbook shows that he continued not to steal between Episodes 1 and 2, unless he hits Hank and steals the camping gear.
    • Sean will have a smaller amount of money left at the beginning of the episode, unless he hits Hank and steals the camping gear.
  • Episode 3
    • An entry from Sean's sketchbook shows that the brothers didn't steal between Episodes 2 and 3.
    • If Sean is sober at the campfire and decides to tell the group about Hank Stamper, he will only mention that lots of newspapers talked about him and Daniel. Hannah will comment on that with irritation.

Escaping from the Gas Station[]

Hit Hank and steal the camping gear
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 3 points.
    • Raises the Theft score by 3 points.
  • Episode 1
    • Sean tries to steal the camping gear and a raccoon hoodie while Hank is lying on the floor, seemingly unconscious. Once Hank grabs him, Sean attacks Hank by kicking him in the face, then his back. Daniel witnesses the scene before running off with Sean who has taken the supplies.
    • This will guarantee Daniel steals a toy from Brody, regardless of your past choices that contribute towards it.
  • Episode 2
    • An entry from Sean's sketchbook shows that he continued to steal supplies for himself and Daniel between Episodes 1 and 2.
    • Sean will have a larger amount of money left at the beginning of the episode.
    • Daniel will wear the raccoon sweater that Sean stole.
    • Daniel's "lair" will be the tent Sean stole.
    • The newspaper headline in the cabin will be "LOCAL HERO ATTACKED BY FUGITIVES IN STORE INVASION", and the article will emphasize Hank's fear.
    • Claire will note that the police accused Sean and Daniel of assault and robbery in addition to murder.
  • Episode 3
    • Sean and Daniel will sleep in the tent from Bear Station. The brothers can be assumed to be using sleeping bags lent to them by Finn's group. However, if Sean brought the sleeping bag at the Bear Station, he uses it himself instead, whereas Daniel will always have a new sleeping bag.
    • If Sean is not intoxicated at the campfire, he will be able to tell the group about how they beat Hank up for kidnapping them. The group, especially Penny, will approve of this.
    • Daniel will wear his raccoon sweater, both at the campfire and during the heist.
  • Episode 4
    • Lisbeth might use beating Hank up while arguing with Sean to accuse him of being a sinner.
    • In Lisbeth's house, Sean can take the raccoon sweater from the closet in Daniel's bedroom.
  • Episode 5
    • If Sean took it from Lisbeth's house, the raccoon sweater can be seen inside Karen's trailer, hung on a wardrobe handle.
    • Officer Patrick Campbell will mention the assault and robbery when listing off Sean's charges at the El Rey Police Department.

Run away with Daniel
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Raises Daniel's Morality score by 4 points.
  • Episode 1
    • Sean and Daniel escape the station without stealing supplies and harming Hank.
    • Daniel won't steal from Brody unless Sean's other actions encourage theft.
  • Episode 2
    • An entry from Sean's sketchbook shows that he continued not to steal between Episodes 1 and 2, unless he steals something from the gas station.
    • Sean will have a smaller amount of money left at the beginning of the episode, unless he steals something from the gas station.
    • Daniel will wear a lime green, long-sleeved shirt, found between Episode 1 and 2.
    • Daniel's "lair" will be made with a tarp.
    • The newspaper headline in the cabin will be "GAS STATION OWNER CONFRONTS FUGITIVES", and the article will emphasize Hank's alleged desire to help them if Sean didn't steal.
      • If Sean stole from the gas station, the newspaper will mention that, and the article will talk about Hank's supposed fear.
  • Episode 3
    • Sean and Daniel will be staying in a spare tent that Finn's group lent them. This also includes a pair of sleeping bags the brothers use. The sleeping bag Sean uses is identical to the one he can purchase from the Bear Station that Daniel slept in. It can be assumed in that situation Daniel got a new bag and Sean just began using the one he brought instead of asking for a second one.
    • If Sean is not intoxicated at the campfire, he will have the option to tell the group about how they ran away from Hank.
    • Daniel will wear the lime green shirt that he found, both at the campfire and during the heist.
  • Episode 4
    • Since Daniel never got the raccoon sweater, the lime green shirt will be inside Daniel's closet in Lisbeth's house.
  • Epsiode 5
    • If Sean took it from Lisbeth's house, the lime green shirt can be seen inside Karen's trailer, hung on a wardrobe handle.
    • Officer Patrick Campbell will mention vandalizing a motel room instead of the assault when listing off Sean's charges at the El Rey Police Department.
      • He will eventually mention stealing from the gas station if Sean committed theft inside the shop, then attempted to steal the gear but chose to run instead of attacking Hank.

Calling Lyla Park[]

Call Lyla back
  • Episode 1
    • Lyla will say she is worried sick and hasn't been able to sleep since Sean left. She will say she knows he is innocent and ask him to return, which he declines. Sean will say that this is the last time they will talk to each other, and Lyla will respond by referencing the dialogue option that Sean chose at the beginning of the game when asked if they would always be friends. Sean then hangs up, watches an old family Christmas video on his phone, then throws it off the balcony.
  • Episode 2
    • If Sean logs in to his social media account, he will see Lyla defending him on his page and posting about the legal system being unjust on her own page.
    • If Sean calls Lyla, she will answer the phone and confess to taking sleeping pills to deal with the stress.
  • Episode 5
    • Lyla's Facebook page will show she is passionate about civil rights.
      • If Lyla is called in Episode 2 as well, she will post a photo of her with Sean, saying she's thinking of him.
      • If Lyla is not called in Episode 2, she will post a photo of her with Daniel, saying she's thinking of him.
    • Lyla will appear at Sean's release in the Redemption ending, giving him a hug.

Don't call Lyla back
  • Episode 1
    • Sean will just proceed to watch an old family Christmas video on his phone and then throw it off the balcony.
  • Episode 2
    • If Sean logs in to his social media account, Lyla will not show up on his page. Lyla's page will be filled with well wishes and one hate post from the school's Spotted page saying she is "cray cray."
    • If Sean calls Lyla, her mom will answer the phone and explain that she is in a clinic in Bellevue for at least the next month due to severe depression. Sean can choose between telling Lyla's mom who he is or pretending to be Lyla's friend Adam; either way, Lyla's mom resents Sean and Daniel and hopes they never return to Seattle.
  • Episode 5
    • Lyla's Facebook page will be supportive about mental health.
    • Lyla will not appear in the Redemption ending.


Promise Daniel you won't lie to him again
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 3 points.
  • Episode 1
    • Daniel will be slightly comforted by the promise.
  • Episode 5
    • If Daniel agrees to surrender at the border, he will ask Sean to promise that everything will be all right.
    • If Daniel refuses to surrender at the border, he will pause, then promise Sean that everything will be all right before ramming ahead.

Say you'll try to be honest
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Raises Daniel's Morality score by 1 point.
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 2 points.
  • Episode 1
    • Daniel will argue with Sean, who will tell him that he may still need to be protected from the truth in the future.
  • Episode 5
    • If Daniel agrees to surrender at the border, he will ask how Sean knows that everything will be all right.
    • If Daniel refuses to surrender at the border, he will appear indifferent and say that nothing can stop the Wolf Brothers before ramming ahead.



Daniel learned about trail-blazing

Caused by: Sean showing Daniel one of the trail blazes in the forest.

  • Effects on Daniel
    • Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
  • Episode 1
    • Sean can teach Daniel in 4 different places, while they're following the trail. After that, Daniel will occasionally point out a trail blaze in the forest.

Daniel didn't learn about trail-blazing

Caused by: Sean never showing Daniel the trail blazes.

  • Episode 1
    • Daniel will periodically ask what the marks on the trees are. Sean can still teach him about the trail blazes before they go off the trail.

Daniel and the Tree Trunk[]

Daniel fell and got dirty

Caused by: Sean not helping Daniel over the log in the forest.

  • Effects on Daniel
    • Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 3 points.
  • Note: There's a possibility of a mistake in the game's code, as helping Daniel would appear more logical to have a positive impact on his brotherhood.
  • Episode 1
    • After his accident, Daniel stays on the ground, curled up, and Sean has an additional choice to cheer him up.
    • Daniel's shirt and trousers will remain dirty throughout the episode.
    • Doris Stamper can later comment on how he looks like he went through a mudflow if she is spoken to, to which Sean will reply that they went hiking and fell over and over.

Daniel didn't fall in the woods

Caused by: Sean helping Daniel over the log in the forest.

  • Episode 1
    • Daniel will not get dirty.
    • Contributes to Daniel getting easily angry at the riverside.
      • Note: It might be related to the same game error that causes Daniel's brotherhood to increase when Sean lets him fall.
    • Doris will not comment on Daniel's appearance.

Forest Camp[]

Daniel built a "fort" in the forest

Caused by: Sean telling Daniel to fortify the camp site while he gathers wood.

  • Episode 1
    • Daniel will create "spikes" and a "weapon rack" (if given enough time), then request help pushing a heavy log into place.
    • If Daniel doesn't get sick in the night, Sean will mention the "fortifications" to reassure him.

Daniel fetched wood for the fire

Caused by: Sean telling Daniel to help gather firewood.

  • Episode 1
    • Allows the wood race to happen.

Wood Race[]

Daniel won the wood race

Caused by: Sean telling Daniel to help gather firewood and letting Daniel come back with three logs first.

  • Episode 1
    • Daniel is happy that he won and gloats about it.

Daniel lost the wood race

Caused by: Sean telling Daniel to help gather firewood and coming back with three logs before Daniel.

  • Episode 1
    • Daniel accuses Sean of cheating with longer legs. While Daniel sounds annoyed by the outcome, this does not count toward him getting angry and pouting by the fire.

Daniel didn't do the wood race

Caused by: Sean telling Daniel to fortify the camp site while he gathers wood.

  • Episode 1
    • Daniel built a fort instead of collecting wood.

Skipping Stones[]

Daniel learned how to skip stones

Caused by: Interacting with Daniel when he's trying to skip stones, or skipping stones yourself, and encouraging him four times to keep trying.

  • Effects on Daniel
    • Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
  • Episode 1
    • Sean takes a rock in his bag as a souvenir.
    • Sean refers to skipping stones when teaching Daniel to use the claw game at Bear Station.
  • Episode 3
    • Daniel will note that he's better at skipping stones on his own now.

Daniel didn't learn how to skip stones

Caused by: Missing the interaction or not encouraging Daniel enough during the interaction.

  • Episode 1
    • Sean and Daniel will miss an optional inventory item (The Perfect Pebble).
    • Sean will not refer to skipping stones when encouraging Daniel at the claw game.
  • Episode 3
    • Daniel will note that Sean never taught him to skip stones.

Daniel's Humor[]

Daniel was mad at you in the woods

Caused by: Sean upsetting Daniel at the riverside.

Requirements for provoking Daniel (meeting 2 will make him mad):

  • In the forest, perform all the following:
    • Make Daniel use the bathroom.
    • Refuse to play hide and seek.
    • Help Daniel over the log (presumably a game error).
  • Splash Daniel at the fishing spot.
  • Play as Daniel's opponent in the stick fight.
  • Scare Daniel with the spider web.

  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 3 points.
  • Episode 1
    • Daniel pouts at the fire pit, forcing you to skip some optional dialog and a Moment of Calm. This will make rock skipping event and the fishing lure collectible unobtainable unless you restart from a checkpoint or previous save.

Daniel didn't get mad

Caused by: Avoiding mean behavior at the riverside.

  • Episode 1
    • Daniel goes to sit on top of the rock at the end of the day, and Sean can choose to watch clouds together.

Daniel's Night[]

Daniel had an OK night

Caused by: Neither of the other two conditions being met. For this particular statistic, it does not matter if Daniel went to bed upset with Sean or had to urinate in the middle of the night.

  • Episode 1
    • After Daniel wakes up with a nightmare about his dad, Sean will easily be able to comfort him and get him to go back to sleep.
    • Daniel will be optimistic as the pair hike to Bear Station.

Daniel got sick from the berries

Caused by: Daniel eating toxic berries in the forest.

  • Note: There are two berry bushes that will make Daniel sick. One is in the Picnic Area, next to the wildlife poster, and the other is on the path to the river, near the ledge that must be jumped down. Once Daniel says "Mmmmm... They taste funny!", it will guarantee him getting sick in the night.
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 4 points.
  • Episode 1
    • Daniel throws up after having a nightmare about his dad.
    • Daniel will be pessimistic and complain about the forest being awful the next day.
    • Daniel will mention how the berries messed up his stomach upon arriving at the Bear Station.
  • Episode 2
    • If Sean takes a harsher tone at Daniel disliking ravioli, Sean will ask Daniel if he wants to eat berries again.

Daniel was afraid of your stories and had nightmares

Caused by: Sean preventing Daniel from getting sick but telling him there are "things with claws" in the woods when discussing the wildlife poster and/or saying there are werewolves when asked before bed.

  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 3 points.
  • Episode 1
    • After Daniel wakes up with a nightmare about his dad, he will not be able to get back to sleep easily because he is scared about the stories that Sean told.
    • Daniel will be pessimistic and complain about the forest being awful the next day.

Daniel and the Family[]

Daniel had to beg for food

Caused by: Asking Daniel to beg for food from the family and insisting on it.

  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 3 points.
  • Episode 1
    • Daniel will complain about this if asked to distract Doris.
    • Doris will curtly ask if the brothers are bothering her customers if spoken to.

Daniel didn't have to beg

Caused by: Not sending Daniel to beg for food from the California family.

  • Episode 1
    • Doris will not ask if the brothers are bothering her customers unless Sean begs himself and succeeds.

Daniel and Doris[]

Daniel distracted Doris

Caused by: Asking Daniel to distract the shopkeeper, either because Sean failed to steal something or he wants to steal more than one item.

  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Morality score by 2 points.
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score:
      • By 2 points if Sean doesn't steal anything from the shop.
      • By 4 points in total if Sean does steal something from the shop.
    • Raises the Theft score by 1 point.
  • Episode 1
    • Daniel will note to Sean how he helped him twice if Sean makes him beg outside afterwards.

Daniel didn't distract Doris

Caused by: Not asking Daniel to distract the shopkeeper, or letting it go after he expresses his disapproval.

  • Episode 1
    • Sean doesn't set an amoral example for Daniel unless he steals something by himself.

Daniel's Hunger[]

Daniel had enough to eat

Caused by: Obtaining at least two nutritious eatables before checking out the map.

  • Note: Nutritious items of food are Potato Chips (offered by the mother), Sliced Bread, Hot Dogs, and Mac n' Cheese.
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 4 points.
  • Episode 1
    • Daniel will enthusiastically comment on how there is a lot to eat.

Daniel didn't eat enough

Caused by: Not gathering enough nutritious food before checking out the map.

  • Episode 1
    • Daniel will complain about the lack of food or comment on how they're eating leftovers from strangers, to which Sean will reply apologetically.

Power Bear[]

Daniel got a Power Bear toy

Caused by: Either Sean or Daniel playing the claw game in the gas station store three times.

  • Effects on Daniel
    • Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
  • Episode 1
    • The Power Bear toy will be sitting on the bed stand in the motel room, and Daniel will occasionally play with it.
  • Episode 2
    • The Power Bear toy will be seen in the cabin Sean and Daniel are squatting in. Sean can express relief that it's run out of batteries.
    • The Power Bear toy will be sitting on the desk in the Reynolds' guestroom.
    • Daniel will tell Chris he has a chibi Power Bear when meeting him for the first time.
  • Episode 4
    • Chad will take the toy from Sean to taunt him, and it may be broken if Sean attempts to forcibly take it back.
  • Episode 5
    • If Chad did not break the toy, then it will appear in the Blood Brothers and Lone Wolf endings.

Daniel didn't get a Power Bear toy

Caused by: Not interacting with, or losing to, the claw game in the gas station store.

  • Episode 1
    • If Sean decided to play on the machine but left the game, Daniel will lament how they can't even win a toy.
    • The Power Bear toy will be absent from the motel room.
  • Episode 2
    • Daniel will not have the toy at the cabin or in the Reynolds' guestroom.
    • Daniel won't tell Chris he has a chibi Power Bear.
  • Episode 4
    • Chad will take Daniel's Etch-a-Sketch tablet instead, and it may be broken if Sean attempts to forcibly take it back.

Daniel and Brody[]

Daniel stole something from Brody

Caused by: Having High Theft (≥ 3) by the end of the episode.

Choices that teach Daniel theft:

  • Steal a Chock-O-Crisp from the car in the parking lot. (+1)
  • Break a lockbox open with a rock in the parking lot. (+1)
  • Have Daniel distract Doris at the gas station. (+1)
  • Steal a Chock-O-Crisp from the gas station. (+1)
  • Steal water from the gas station. (+1)
  • Steal soda from the gas station. (+1)
  • Steal sliced bread from the gas station. (+1)
  • Steal mac n' cheese from the gas station. (+1)
  • Hit Hank and steal camping gear. (+3)

  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Morality score by 1 point, no matter whether and how Sean reacts.
  • Episode 1
    • At the motel, Daniel will place a toy he stole from Brody on the nightstand after Sean examines something. The younger brother can be confronted about the toy, to which he can be told that stealing is wrong or to be careful next time.
  • Episode 2
    • Depending on Sean's potential response to Daniel's behavior in Episode 1, Brody's toy can be found in either Sean's or Daniel's backpack.
    • If Sean condones the behavior or doesn't confront Daniel about Brody's toy in Episode 1, Daniel will place the toy on the nightstand in the Reynolds' guestroom.
    • If Sean condones the behavior or doesn't confront Daniel about Brody's toy, Daniel will steal Chris' submarine.
  • Episode 5
    • The hula girl will appear in the Blood Brothers ending.

Daniel didn't steal anything

Caused by: Having Low Theft (< 3) by the end of the episode.

  • Episode 1
    • Daniel will not steal anything from Brody's car.
  • Episode 2
    • Daniel will not steal Chris' submarine.


Some choices aren't tracked in the choices screen, but there are still consequences for those actions.


Sean has several choices for what he packs for the party, which affect Sean and Daniel on the road.

  • Episode 1
    • When examining the soda at night, Sean will be glad he brought soda so that Daniel could get a sugar rush.

  • Episode 1
    • When examining the beer at night, Sean will berate himself for not packing an item better suited to survival.

  • Episode 1
    • In the motel room, while Sean runs a bath, Daniel will call the condom gross when he finds it in his new bag.

Interactions in the Forest[]

Sean can ask Daniel if he needs to use the bathroom, and Daniel will refuse because the bathroom is disgusting. Sean can either say it's fine to urinate in the woods or insist that Daniel use the bathroom there because it is safer.

Daniel uses the bathroom
  • Episode 1
    • Daniel is grossed out by the bathroom but doesn't need to urinate at night.
    • Contributes to Daniel getting easily angry at the riverside.

Daniel doesn't use the bathroom
  • Episode 1
    • Daniel will need to urinate before bed at the campsite, leading him to go into the woods alone and come back a bit scared. This will not, however, make him actually terrified later in the night.

Play hide and seek with Daniel
  • Episode 1
    • Sean agrees to play when Daniel asks him to.
    • Sean has an option to peek while Daniel is hiding. If Daniel notices that, he'll get irritated that Sean is cheating and start over.
    • Daniel will hide behind one of the nearby trees.
    • Sean can find Daniel, eventually playfully scaring him if he manages to get him from behind.
    • If Sean can't find Daniel for a long time, he'll panic and have an option to call for him. Daniel comes out of his hiding spot, and Sean loses the game.
  • Episode 5
    • If Sean agrees to do Daniel's treasure hunt, he'll reminisce about playing in the forest.

Refuse to play with Daniel
  • Episode 1
    • Sean says it's not the time and he's not in the mood or completely ignores Daniel's request to play.
    • Either way, Daniel is disappointed.
    • Contributes to Daniel getting easily angry at the riverside.
  • Episode 5
    • Sean doesn't say anything about looking for Daniel in the forest, since he didn't play with him.

If Sean looks at his phone while sitting by the campfire, Daniel will ask if he can play on it.

Daniel plays Mustard Party
  • Episode 1
    • The phone battery will die while Daniel is using it.
  • Episode 2
    • At the Christmas Market, Daniel will tell Chris that he almost beat his high score a few weeks ago, but Sean's phone died.

Daniel doesn't play Mustard Party
  • Episode 1
    • Sean refuses to let Daniel play, saying the phone is almost dead and they might need it, to which Daniel pouts a bit.
    • Sean will receive a text message from Lyla when approaching Bear Station. The phone battery will die if Sean tries to read her text, but he will be able to read it later in the Three Seals Motel if desired.
  • Episode 2
    • At the Christmas Market, Daniel won't have an extra line of dialogue when he and Chris talk about Mustard Party.

Doris' Attitude[]

Doris is warm towards the brothers
  • Prerequisites:
    • Sean hasn't performed any theft throughout the episode so far (both in the forest and at the gas station).
    • The brothers washed themselves inside the gas station bathroom.
  • Note: If Sean's actions did raise suspicion, he can calm Doris down by saying: "We live out here", then "No parents allowed"/"With our friends".
  • Episode 1
    • Doris is more friendly and open with both Sean and Daniel during their conversations and occasional prompts.
    • If the price for Sean's articles is slightly too big for him to afford, Doris will let Sean buy all the things anyway, warmly stating it's not much and the brothers look like they could use a break.
    • Sean describes Doris in his sketchbook later as "okay, almost nice".

Doris is hostile towards the brothers
  • Prerequisites (at least one must be met):
    • Sean committed theft in the forest and/or at the gas station.
    • The brothers entered the shop unwashed.
  • Note: Even if Sean's actions didn't raise any suspicion, he can make Doris hostile by saying "With our Dad", then "Went hiking", as he won't sound convincing at all.
  • Episode 1
    • Doris is rude and coldly curt towards both Sean and Daniel during their conversations and occasional prompts.
    • Doris won't care if Sean doesn't have only a bit of money to fully pay for the articles and will force him to at least remove something.
    • Sean describes Doris in his sketchbook later as a "nosy bitch".

Accosted by Hank[]

  • Episode 1
    • After a brief discussion, Hank tries to drag Sean inside. Daniel tries to help Sean free but Hank knocks Daniel to the ground.
    • Sean is then knocked unconscious by Hank while Daniel manages to get up and run away.

  • Episode 1
    • Daniel is told to run, and he will flee without getting involved.
    • Sean is knocked unconscious by Hank.

  • Episode 1
    • Sean will punch Hank, who will hit back (knocking Sean unconscious).
    • Daniel will witness Sean's violence then run away after Sean is knocked out.

Sean's Face[]

When speaking to Hank Stamper in the back room of Bear Station, Sean can choose to say, "It hurts..." or "You kidnapped me!" Choosing "You kidnapped me!" will result in Hank Stamper kicking Sean, leaving a bruise and bloody nose.

Sean got a bruise and bloody nose
  • Episode 1
    • For the remainder of Episode One, Sean's nostrils will be noticeably bloody, and he will have a bruise on his right cheek.
    • After getting in, Daniel will ask Sean what happened to his face, and Sean will reply that 'that old bastard happened.'
    • Sean will comment on his injury when cleaning up in the Three Seals Motel bathroom sink. The comment will be different, depending on whether Sean attacked Hank or not.

Sean was not injured by Hank Stamper
  • Episode 1
    • Sean's face will remain clear for the remainder of Episode One.

Interactions at the Gas Station[]

The gas station has an outside bathroom which Sean and Daniel can wash up in before going into the store.

Wash with Daniel
  • Episode 1
    • Doris will be nicer when addressing Sean and Daniel during their interactions.

Don't wash
  • Episode 1
    • Doris will be colder when addressing Sean and Daniel during their interactions. She will also say she doesn't want mud all over her store while being idle.

Consider taking the puppy
  • Episode 1
    • Sean wonders whether they could take the puppy and admits it would be a huge responsibility.
    • Sean is slightly disappointed himself about Doris not allowing them to have the puppy.
    • If Sean tells Daniel in Brody's car they can't keep the puppy, Daniel will remind him how he said that maybe they could.

Reject Daniel's request
  • Episode 1
    • Sean quickly dismisses Daniel's whims, stating there's no way for them to have a dog at the moment.
    • Daniel is the only one disappointed and sad about the puppy.
    • If Sean tells Daniel in Brody's car they can't keep the puppy, Daniel will defend himself by saying she couldn't be left with the mean gas station owners.

Ask Daniel to tear the vent off
  • Episode 1
    • Daniel tries to do it but fails and hurts himself.

Interactions at the Motel[]

Tell Daniel the weird moaning is a TV show
  • Episode 1
    • Daniel thinks it sounds stupid.

Reveal to Daniel they're having sex
  • Episode 1
    • Daniel is startled and grossed out.

Don't say anything
  • Episode 1
    • Daniel comes to the conclusion that "they're probably just playing."

Ask to lower the volume
  • Episode 1
    • Sean asks Daniel to lower the TV volume at the motel, to which Daniel complies.

Watch TV with Daniel
  • Episode 1
    • Sean and Daniel share a moment of calm, watching together the Hawt Dawg Man show on TV.
    • Sean has the option to tickle Daniel, adding an even more lighthearted atmosphere to the moment.

Give Daniel a towel
  • Episode 1
    • Sean puts a towel in the bathroom and informs Daniel about it.

Make a bubble bath

Caused by: Adding soap to the bath before the tub is filled with water.

  • Episode 1
    • Sean successfully makes a bubble bath for Daniel.
    • Daniel is excited.

Make a regular bath

Caused by: Ignoring the soap or adding it to the bath when the tub is already filled with water.

  • Episode 1
    • Sean ends up making a regular bath for Daniel.
    • Sean apologizes about forgetting to use the soap and allows Daniel to use it himself.

Dance with Daniel
  • Episode 1
    • Sean allows Daniel to have a happy moment before telling the truth about Esteban.
    • The brothers dance together on the bed to "Banquet" by Bloc Party, and Mushroom watches with excitement.
    • The player can "join" the dance by moving the camera to the beat.

Talk directly
  • Episode 1
    • Sean immediately gets serious and turns the music off, disappointing Daniel.

Education Events[]

Certain optional events or choices will change the character of Sean or Daniel over the course of the game. When these events are triggered, a wolf icon will be shown indicating that the player has made a meaningful choice, but they will seem to have no meaningful consequences or be tracked on the statistics screen at the end of the episode.

Both Sean and Daniel have education events that affect them alone.

Sean's Events - Episode One[]

  • Sean can practice his pickup lines in the bathroom mirror at the Diaz home. The only effect is that Lyla will comment he has been practicing.
  • After the Californian family leaves, Sean can dig through the trash to find a leftover apple.
  • When Daniel lashes out at the motel, he won't be as angry if Sean says the shooting was an accident and he was scared.
  • If Sean told Brody it was the police officer's fault, he will tell Daniel the accident was his fault. If Sean told Brody it was his fault, he will tell Daniel the accident was the police officer's fault (presumably a game error).
  • By the end of the episode, Brody gives Sean $30. Sean then wastes $1 in the vending machine and spends a total of $25 on bus tickets for himself and Daniel, meaning that Sean, in the end, has $4 more than what he had while leaving the gas station. The final amount is what the game will take into account while calculating Sean's budget at the start of Episode 2.

Daniel's Events - Episode One[]

  • Sean can play Hide & Seek with Daniel or refuse to play. Completing the game by asking Daniel to come out after some time has elapsed is not a negative impact on their relationship.
  • Sean can choose to accept or refuse Mushroom when first encountering her in Bear Station. While it is not possible to take Mushroom at this point, the answer affects the dialogue in Brody's car. While it is also possible to refuse Mushroom again in Brody's car and to say that 'Mushroom' is a dumb name, neither dialogue option appears to affect Daniel. Mushroom is required to beat the game and will be adopted by Daniel no matter what Sean decides when given an option.

Episode Two - "Rules"[]



Throw properly

Caused by: Not throwing the snowball at Daniel or Mushroom at all.

  • Effects on Daniel
    • Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 2 points.
  • Episode 2
    • Daniel will not be able to stop it the first time, but after the second throw, he will stop it in mid-air.

Throw at Daniel

Caused by: Throwing the snowball at Daniel at least once.

  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
  • Episode 2
    • Daniel will be knocked back from the impact of the snowball and yell at Sean for ignoring his request not to hit him.
    • If thrown at Daniel twice, he will use his powers to hurl it into Sean's face.

Throw at Mushroom

Caused by: Trying to throw the snowball at Mushroom.

  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Morality score by 1 point.
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
  • Episode 2
    • Daniel will stop the snowball with his powers and get angry at Sean. Mushroom will run away in fear.

Throw at Daniel and Mushroom

Caused by: Trying to throw the snowball at Mushroom and throwing it at Daniel at least once.

  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Morality score by 1 point.
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
  • Episode 2
    • Daniel will get knocked back and be mad, and when Sean throws the snowball at Mushroom, Daniel will stop it with his powers.
    • If thrown at Daniel twice, he will use his powers to hurl it into Sean's face.

The Cougar[]

  • Effects on Daniel
    • Daniel's Morality, Brotherhood, and Power Confidence all remain unaffected.
  • Episode 2
    • Sean will scare away the cougar.
    • Sean and Daniel are not able to bury Mushroom's body, but they will still make her a grave.
  • Episode 3
    • When Sean looks at the claw marks by the lake, he thinks with optimism about their pack being stronger.
    • If Sean is not intoxicated at the campfire, he will have the option to tell the group about how the cougar killed Mushroom, but they were able to scare it off. Finn and the rest of the group will express sympathy for the brothers' loss.
    • If Daniel shares bad memories at the campfire, he mentions with bitterness how Mushroom was taken away by the cougar.

Don't intervene
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Morality score by 4 points.
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 2 points.
    • Raises Daniel's Power Confidence score by 4 points.
  • Episode 2
    • Daniel will snap the neck of the cougar using his power and be horrified at his actions.
    • Sean and Daniel are able to bury Mushroom's body.
  • Episode 3
    • When Sean looks at the claw marks by the lake, he reflects on how Daniel's no longer afraid of wild animals.
    • If Sean is not intoxicated at the campfire, he will have the option to tell the group about how they killed the cougar.
      • Doing so will, in fact, slightly reduce Sean's romance score with both Cassidy and Finn, as they disapprove of the action.
    • If Daniel shares bad memories at the campfire, he mentions with sadness how he and Sean had to bury Mushroom.
  • Episode 4
    • Lisbeth might use killing the cougar while arguing with Sean to accuse him of being a sinner.


Everyone prays

Caused by: Sean telling Daniel at Mushroom's grave that Mushroom is in Heaven with Esteban, then agreeing to pray with Claire.

  • Episode 2
    • Sean, Daniel, and Claire will hold hands and pray.
    • This choice confirms Sean's faith for the time being.
    • If Sean examines the Bible in Claire's nightstand drawer, he will wonder what would've been different if Esteban had taken him and Daniel to church.
  • Episode 3
    • After Jacob explains how he lost his faith, Daniel will empathize with him.
  • Episode 4
    • Sean will be more optimistic while looking around Haven Point before seeing Daniel, since he has faith.
    • When Lisbeth asks Sean if he has faith in God, she will expect him to say that he does.
    • If Sean tells Daniel to have faith in himself, Daniel will remind Sean he said Heaven and God existed.

Daniel and Claire pray

Caused by: Sean telling Daniel at Mushroom's grave that Mushroom is in Heaven with Esteban, then refusing to pray with Claire.

  • Episode 2
    • Daniel and Claire will hold hands and pray.
    • This choice confirms Sean not having faith for the time being.
    • If Sean examines the Bible in Claire's nightstand drawer, he will think with a bit of irony how it must be "one hell of a bedtime story".
  • Episode 3
    • After Jacob explains how he lost his faith, Daniel will empathize with him.
  • Episode 4
    • Sean will be more skeptical while looking around Haven Point before seeing Daniel, since he doesn't believe.
    • When Lisbeth asks Sean if he has faith in God, she will expect him to say that he does.
    • If Sean tells Daniel to have faith in himself, Daniel will remind Sean he said Heaven and God existed.

Claire prays alone

Caused by: Sean telling Daniel at Mushroom's grave that there is no such thing as Heaven, then apologizing to Claire.

  • Episode 2
    • Claire will pray alone while Sean and Daniel watch respectfully.
    • Sean not having faith is already confirmed for the time being.
    • If Sean examines the Bible in Claire's nightstand drawer, he will think with a bit of irony how it must be "one hell of a bedtime story".
  • Episode 3
    • After Jacob explains how he lost his faith, Daniel will say he doesn't believe in that kind of thing.
  • Episode 4
    • Sean will be more skeptical while looking around Haven Point before seeing Daniel, since he doesn't believe.
    • When Lisbeth asks Sean if he has faith in God, she will expect him to say that he doesn't.
    • If Sean tells Daniel to have faith in himself, Daniel will ask how Sean knows this religion is bullshit when Sean doesn't believe in anything.

No one prays

Caused by: Sean telling Daniel at Mushroom's grave that there is no such thing as Heaven, then retorting to Claire that they never pray.

  • Episode 2
    • Claire will be slightly offended and leave the room right away.
    • Sean not having faith is already confirmed for the time being.
    • If Sean examines the Bible in Claire's nightstand drawer, he will think with a bit of irony how it must be "one hell of a bedtime story".
    • During the argument with Claire, she will mention blasphemy among the things she put up with.
  • Episode 3
    • After Jacob explains how he lost his faith, Daniel will say he doesn't believe in that kind of thing.
  • Episode 4
    • Sean will be more skeptical while looking around Haven Point before seeing Daniel, since he doesn't believe.
    • When Lisbeth asks Sean if he has faith in God, she will expect him to say that he doesn't.
    • If Sean tells Daniel to have faith in himself, Daniel will ask how Sean knows this religion is bullshit when Sean doesn't believe in anything.

Confiding in Stephen[]

Tell the truth
  • Episode 2
    • Sean confides in Stephen about Daniel's power.
    • Stephen tells Sean not to say anything to Claire.

  • Episode 2
    • Sean pretends he doesn't know what Stephen is talking about.
    • Stephen tells Sean not to say anything to Claire.

Extra Chores[]

Help with extra chores
  • Prerequisites:
    • Sean must tidy up around the house at least 1 time out of 4 possible. Eventually, 2 times out of 5 possible if Daniel ends up not cleaning the room.
  • Episode 2
    • When Claire leaves to run errands, she will recognize Sean has done chores and say he's free to keep cleaning.
    • Claire will leave a thank-you note for tidying up a couple of things.

Don't help
  • Episode 2
    • If Sean has not yet helped with chores, Claire will suggest it to him as she leaves the house to run errands. Sean can still help with chores after this dialogue.
    • Claire will leave a note asking not to roughhouse, as she tidied up.

Reminding Daniel[]

Remind Daniel of the rules
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Raises Daniel's Morality score by 2 points.
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
    • Lowers Daniel's Power Confidence score by 2 points.
  • Episode 2
    • Sean will remind Daniel not to use his powers in front of other people.
    • High Brotherhood (≥ 5): Daniel's response is compliant, and he promises to be careful.
    • Low Brotherhood (< 5): Daniel's response is sarcastic, as he's annoyed that Sean disagrees with him.
    • Note: In this case, Daniel's Brotherhood is impacted by the choice before his response; therefore, you should technically enter the scene with a Brotherhood ≥ 6 if you want Daniel to respond obediently.

Tell Daniel he did the right thing
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Morality score by 1 point.
    • Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
    • Daniel's Power Confidence remains unaffected.
  • Episode 2
    • Sean will go easy on Daniel after breaking the rule, admitting that saving Chris was the right call.

Stephen's Laptop[]

Use Stephen's laptop
  • Episode 2
    • Sean can check the news.
      • He will see multiple articles about the Seattle shooting.
      • He will see conspiracy theories surrounding the brothers.
    • Sean can visit Brody's blog.
      • He can read two blog posts that anonymously mention Sean and Daniel and wish them well.
      • He can read some older blog posts about naked people who just want to live normal lives.
    • Sean can log in to his social media account.
      • Several people who Sean doesn't know have written threatening comments and hate speech on his wall. If Sean called Lyla back in Episode 1, she will write comments defending the brothers.
      • If Sean called Lyla in Episode 1, there will be many updates about Sean and Daniel posted on her wall.
      • If Sean didn't call Lyla, there will be many comments posted on her wall wishing Lyla well.
        • Sean will be extremely worried about her.
      • The police can mention finding them because of a report that his social media account was accessed at the residence.

Don't use Stephen's laptop
  • Episode 2
    • Sean will not be able to check the news, Brody's blog, or log in to his social media account.

Calling Lyla[]

Use the phone
  • Episode 2
    • If Sean called Lyla in Episode 1, she will answer the phone, upset at him for hanging up on her, revealing that the police confronted her about the call and that she had to lie to them. She even confesses to taking sleeping pills to deal with the stress.
    • If Sean didn't call her, her mom will answer the phone and explain that she is in a clinic in Bellevue for at least the next month due to severe depression.
    • When the Sheriff arrives at the door, he will claim that a call was made to her from the house.
  • Episode 5
    • If Sean is able to talk with Lyla, Lyla's Facebook page will show she is passionate about civil rights. She will also post a photo of her with Sean, saying she's thinking of him.
    • If Sean is not able to talk with Lyla, Lyla's Facebook page will be supportive about mental health.
    • If Sean is able to talk with Lyla, she will meet Sean when he is released from prison in the Redemption ending.
    • If Sean is not able to talk with Lyla, she will not appear in the Redemption ending.

Don't use the phone
  • Episode 2
    • If Sean didn't call Lyla back in Episode 1, he will not know that she is in a clinic.
    • When the Sheriff arrives at the door, he will either claim that someone logged onto Sean's social media account from the Reynolds' house or that Daniel and Sean were seen at the Christmas market.
  • Episode 5
    • If Lyla was called in Episode 1, she will post a photo of her with Daniel, saying she's thinking of him.
    • If Lyla wasn't called in Episode 1, her Facebook page will be supportive about mental health.
    • If Lyla was called in Episode 1, she will meet Sean when he is released from prison in the Redemption ending.
    • If Lyla wasn't called in Episode 1, she will not appear in the Redemption ending.

Chris' Trust[]

Gain Chris' trust and ask about Charles

Caused by: Getting all of the heroes and villains correct, then asking Chris about his dad (either right away when he's mentioned or after talking about the broken tree house).

  • Note: The insectoids and car are villains, and the other four characters are the heroes.
  • Episode 2
    • Chris will tell Sean about how his father can get angry when he drinks.
    • Sean will have the opportunity to confront Charles about his behavior by saying "Chris talked to me" in Charles' truck.

Gain Chris' trust and don't ask about Charles

Caused by: Getting all the heroes and villains correct, but not asking for details about Chris' dad.

  • Episode 2
    • Sean will not be able to talk to Charles about his drinking problem.

Don't gain Chris' trust

Caused by: Getting some/all of the heroes and villains incorrect.

  • Episode 2
    • Sean will not be able to talk to Charles about his drinking problem.

Confronting Daniel[]

Tell Daniel to stop lying to Chris
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Raises Daniel's Morality score by 2 points.
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 2 points.
  • Episode 2
    • High Morality (≥ 0): Daniel tells Chris the truth on the way home.
      • Daniel will mope about Chris' disappointment when Sean asks him if he was honest.
      • Chris will help the brothers escape undetected and won't get hurt. He will also give Daniel his cape.
    • Low Morality (< 0): Daniel ignores Sean and continues lying to Chris.
      • Daniel will quickly change the subject when Sean asks him if he was honest with Chris.
      • Chris will try to use his "powers" to stop a police car from pursuing Sean and Daniel.
      • If Chris is hit by the car, Daniel will blame himself.

Protect Daniel's secret
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Morality score by 4 points.
    • Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 2 points.
  • Episode 2
    • Sean won't ask Daniel if he was honest with Chris.
    • Chris will try to use his "powers" to stop a police car from pursuing Sean and Daniel.
    • If Chris is hit by the car, Daniel will blame Sean.

Cassidy's Song[]

Listen to the full song
  • Episode 2
    • Cassidy will ask Sean if he has a crush on her.

Don't listen to the full song
  • Episode 2
    • Cassidy will not comment on Sean listening to her song.

Drawing for Chris[]

Draw a spaceship
  • Episode 2
    • It will be added to Sean's journal.
    • Sean can tell Charles that Chris "gave [him] some tips" when he was drawing.

Draw zombies
  • Episode 2
    • It will be added to Sean's journal.
    • Sean can tell Charles that Chris "gave [him] some tips" when he was drawing.

Don't draw
  • Episode 2
    • Sean doesn't complete the optional sketch in the market.
    • Sean can't tell Charles that Chris "gave [him] some tips" when he was drawing.

Christmas Present[]

Buy a present
  • Episode 2
    • Sean will have to spend money on a gift.
    • Sean will give Daniel a handmade item, which he will enjoy if Chris is fine. Otherwise, Daniel will be too upset.
  • Episode 5
    • The present that Sean bought will appear in the Blood Brothers ending.

Steal a present
  • Episode 2
    • Sean won't have to spend any money.
    • If Sean does buy a handmade item, he can compensate by replacing the yo-yo with it.
    • Daniel will find the yo-yo awesome if Chris is fine. Otherwise, he will be too upset.
  • Episode 5
    • The yo-yo that Sean stole will appear in the Blood Brothers ending.

Find several presents
  • Episode 2
    • Sean will have to spend money on a gift.
    • Daniel will love his presents if Chris is fine. Otherwise, he will be too upset.
  • Episode 5
    • The yo-yo that Sean stole will appear in the Blood Brothers ending.

Charles' Problems[]

Speak to Charles about his problems
  • Episode 2
    • Sean confronts Charles about how he behaved towards Chris the previous day and advises to seek some help or urges him to get better for Chris' sake.
    • Charles thanks Sean for an honest conversation and promises to do better.

Don't speak to Charles about his problems
  • Episode 2
    • Charles and Sean will have a relatively honest conversation but won't go into details regarding Charles' drinking problem.

Helping Stephen[]

Let Daniel use his power
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 2 points.
    • Raises Daniel's Power Confidence score by 2 points.
  • Episode 2
    • Daniel fully discloses his power to Claire and Stephen, Claire initially shocked.
    • Stephen is not injured.
    • The grandparents advise Sean to watch out for Daniel before the brothers run away.
  • Episode 4
    • It is revealed that Stephen has healed without any surgeries.

Don't let Daniel use his power
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 2 points.
    • Lowers Daniel's Power Confidence score by 2 points.
  • Episode 2
    • Daniel keeps his power a secret from Claire and Stephen.
    • Stephen's leg will be injured.
  • Episode 4
    • It is revealed that Stephen has undergone surgery.

Chris and the Cop[]

The cop hit Chris

Caused by: Chris not learning the truth about the power and Daniel having Low Power Confidence (< 3).

  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 4 points in total.
  • Note: Daniel loses 2 Brotherhood points as the scene takes place, then another 2 Brotherhood points at the very beginning of the chapter "Breaking Free". There is no significance in who is blamed for the accident.
  • Episode 2
    • The brothers will run off, and Chris's fate is unknown until much later.
    • Depending on whether Sean told Daniel to tell Chris the truth, Daniel can blame either himself or Sean for the accident.
    • Sean has an additional choice to slightly comfort Daniel.
    • Daniel will be too upset to enjoy his Christmas present(s).
  • Episode 3
    • Daniel only has an interstellar traveler figurine as a memento from Chris inside the tent.
      • If Sean looks at it, he hopes in his thoughts that Chris is okay.
    • If Sean and Daniel are still on relatively good terms, Daniel will talk with Sean and mention how he wishes they could check if Chris is okay.
    • If Daniel shares bad memories at the campfire, he mentions Chris' accident.
    • If Sean goes to bed with Daniel after the latter shared bad memories, Sean can optionally reassure Daniel that Chris should be okay.
  • Episode 4
    • Chris will mention having spent winter with a cast on his leg in his letter to Sean and Daniel.
      • Sean will be thankful to know that Chris is fine.

The cop didn't hit Chris

Caused by: Chris not learning the truth about the power and Daniel having High Power Confidence (≥ 3).

  • Effects on Daniel
    • Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 4 points in total.
  • Note: Daniel gains 1 Brotherhood point as the scene takes place, then 3 Brotherhood points at the very beginning of the chapter "Breaking Free".
  • Episode 2
    • Daniel will lament that he thinks Chris hates him for lying.
    • Depending on whether Sean told Daniel to tell Chris the truth, he can either comfort Daniel, saying Chris won't stay mad, or scold him for disobeying the request to be honest.
    • Daniel will enjoy his Christmas present(s).
  • Episode 3
    • Daniel only has an interstellar traveler figurine as a memento from Chris inside the tent.
      • If Sean looks at it, he admits in his thoughts how Daniel still misses Chris.
    • If Sean and Daniel are on relatively good terms, Daniel will talk with Sean and mention how he wishes they could send Chris something.
    • If Daniel shares bad memories at the campfire, he sadly expresses his belief that he's not Chris' friend anymore because he lied to him.
    • If Sean goes to bed with Daniel after the latter shared bad memories, Sean can optionally suggest Daniel could call Chris some time.
  • Episode 4
    • There's no injury for Chris to mention in his letter to Sean and Daniel.

Chris helped the brothers escape

Caused by: Chris learning the truth about the power.

  • Effects on Daniel
    • Daniel's Brotherhood remains unaffected.
  • Episode 2
    • Chris will give Daniel his cape because he believes he is the real superhero, then show the brothers a secret passage through the "Troll Forest" to escape the police.
    • Daniel will only complain about Chris' sorrow when it was revealed who actually has the power.
    • Daniel will enjoy his Christmas present(s).
  • Episode 3
    • The cape is hung inside the tent as a memento from Chris.
      • If Sean looks at it, he admits in his thoughts how Daniel still misses Chris.
    • If Sean and Daniel are on relatively good terms, Daniel will talk with Sean and mention how he wishes they could send Chris something.
    • If Daniel shares bad memories at the campfire, he's only sad about leaving Chris all alone.
    • If Sean goes to bed with Daniel after the latter shared bad memories, Sean can optionally suggest Daniel could call Chris some time.
  • Episode 4
    • There's no injury for Chris to mention in his letter to Sean and Daniel.
  • Episode 5
    • The cape will be inside the safe in the Blood Brothers ending.



Daniel continued to swear

Caused by: Not asking Daniel to stop swearing when he is packing his bag in the cabin.

  • Effects on Daniel
    • DOES NOT affect Daniel's Morality or Brotherhood.
    • Daniel continues to swear a lot.
  • Episode 2
    • Claire will scold Daniel for swearing and retort to Sean that he could teach Daniel to watch his mouth.
  • Episode 3
    • Daniel will swear more during the episode, e.g. saying "Fucking A!" or "Fuck Puerto Lobos!".

Daniel didn't continue to swear

Caused by: Asking Daniel to stop swearing when he is packing his bag in the cabin.

  • Effects on Daniel
    • DOES NOT affect Daniel's Morality or Brotherhood.
    • Daniel learns to swear less.
  • Episode 2
    • Daniel does not swear while talking to Claire.
    • Both Sean and Daniel will be less vulgar throughout the episode. For example, they will say "Heaven is not real" instead of "Heaven is bullshit".
  • Episode 3
    • Daniel continues to be less vulgar.

Dice Game[]

Daniel won without cheating

Caused by: Daniel winning the first dice game after he was called out for cheating or, eventually, wasn't called out, either because he didn't have enough time to move Sean's dice, Sean was particularly unlucky, or Sean quickly gave up.

  • Effects on Daniel if Sean calls him out for cheating
    • Raises Daniel's Morality score by 2 points.
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
  • Effects on Daniel if Sean doesn't call him out
    • Lowers Daniel's Morality score by 2 points.
  • Note: In terms of Morality and Brotherhood, your decision to call Daniel out or not only matters during the first game. Every instance of Daniel not being called out during the first game will have a negative effect on his Morality. It doesn't matter whether you quickly chose to stop playing, you were faster than Daniel, or he didn't have to cheat. Daniel should start cheating during Sean's second turn. It is particularly rare; however, if you got very unlucky with your throws and Daniel quickly won, but you want to positively influence his Morality, it is advisable to restart from the latest checkpoint before continuing the story.
  • Episode 2
    • If Sean calls Daniel out for cheating:
      • High Morality (≥ 0): Daniel's response indicates his inability to hide the fact that he's cheating.
      • Low Morality (< 0): Daniel tries to deny what Sean points out, accusing him of finding excuses.
      • Note: In the case of the first game, calling Daniel out impacts his Morality positively (and Brotherhood negatively) right before his response; therefore, Daniel won't try to accuse you of anything if you enter the scene with a Morality ≥ -2. As for further games, Daniel's Morality will already have been negatively impacted.
      • Regardless, Daniel stops cheating, and Sean is allowed to repeat his throw.
    • Once Daniel wins:
      • High Brotherhood (≥ 1): He draws a picture of Mushroom on Sean's bag.
      • Low Brotherhood (< 1): He draws a poop on Sean's bag.

Daniel won while cheating

Caused by: Daniel winning the first dice game after he cheated and wasn't called out.

  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Morality score by 2 points.
  • Episode 2
    • If Sean calls Daniel out for cheating during further games:
      • High Morality (≥ 0): Daniel's response indicates his inability to hide the fact that he's cheating.
      • Low Morality (< 0): Daniel tries to deny what Sean points out, accusing him of finding excuses.
      • Note: In the case of further games, Daniel's Morality will already have been negatively impacted.
      • Regardless, Daniel stops cheating, and Sean is allowed to repeat his throw.
    • Once Daniel wins:
      • High Brotherhood (≥ 1): He draws a picture of Mushroom on Sean's bag.
      • Low Brotherhood (< 1): He draws a poop on Sean's bag.

Daniel lost

Caused by: Daniel losing the first dice game, regardless of whether he tried to cheat and whether he was called out.

  • Effects on Daniel if Sean calls him out for cheating
    • Raises Daniel's Morality score by 2 points.
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
  • Effects on Daniel if Sean doesn't call him out
    • Lowers Daniel's Morality score by 2 points.
  • Note: In terms of Morality and Brotherhood, your decision to call Daniel out or not only matters during the first game. Every instance of Daniel not being called out during the first game will have a negative effect on his Morality. It doesn't matter whether you allowed him to cheat or he happened not to. Daniel should start cheating during Sean's second turn. It is particularly rare; however, Daniel doesn't cheat if you got everything on your third throw by good fortune and quickly won. If that happens, but you want to positively influence his Morality, it is advisable to restart from the latest checkpoint before continuing the story.
  • Episode 2
    • If Sean calls Daniel out for cheating:
      • High Morality (≥ 0): Daniel's response indicates his inability to hide the fact that he's cheating.
      • Low Morality (< 0): Daniel tries to deny what Sean points out, accusing him of finding excuses.
      • Note: In the case of the first game, calling Daniel out impacts his Morality positively (and Brotherhood negatively) right before his response; therefore, Daniel won't try to accuse you of anything if you enter the scene with a Morality ≥ -2. As for further games, Daniel's Morality will already have been negatively impacted.
      • Regardless, Daniel stops cheating, and Sean is allowed to repeat his throw.
    • Once Sean wins, he can draw a wolf or a dick on Daniel's backpack:
      • High Brotherhood (≥ 0): Daniel has an enthusiastic reaction if Sean draws a wolf, or a lighthearted one if Sean chooses to draw a dick.
      • Low Brotherhood (< 0): Daniel has a lukewarm reaction if Sean draws a wolf, or isn't surprised if Sean chooses to draw a dick.

The Cougar[]

Daniel killed the cougar
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Morality score by 4 points.
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 2 points.
    • Raises Daniel's Power Confidence score by 4 points.
  • Episode 2
    • Daniel will be horrified at his actions.
    • The brothers will be able to bury Mushroom.

Daniel didn't kill the cougar
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Daniel's Morality, Brotherhood, and Power Confidence all remain unaffected.
  • Episode 2
    • Daniel will not kill the cougar.
    • The brothers will not be able to bury Mushroom.

Burying Mushroom[]

Daniel was able to bury Mushroom
  • Episode 2
    • Daniel takes solace in the fact they are able to actually bury Mushroom.

Daniel wasn't able to bury Mushroom
  • Episode 2
    • Daniel is more upset that they can't even bury Mushroom.


Daniel prayed

Caused by: Sean telling Daniel at Mushroom's grave that Mushroom is in Heaven with Esteban.

  • Effects on Daniel
    • DOES NOT affect Daniel's Morality or Brotherhood.
    • Daniel starts to believe in heaven, prompting him to sympathize with other believers.
  • Episode 2
    • Once Claire leaves their bedroom, Daniel will comment that she seems caring and nice.
    • Daniel can talk about Mushroom being in heaven with Claire's deceased dog in a background conversation.
  • Episode 3
    • After Jacob explains how he lost his faith, Daniel will empathize with him.
  • Episode 4
    • When Lisbeth asks Sean if he has faith in God:
      • If Sean replies he has faith, Lisbeth will say Daniel told her so.
      • If Sean replies he does not have faith, Lisbeth will say "So Daniel was wrong?".
    • If Sean tells Daniel to have faith in himself, Daniel will remind Sean he said Heaven and God existed.

Daniel didn't pray

Caused by: Sean telling Daniel at Mushroom's grave that there is no such thing as Heaven.

  • Effects on Daniel
    • DOES NOT affect Daniel's Morality or Brotherhood.
    • Daniel's view of the afterlife turns skeptical, prompting him to focus on his memories.
  • Episode 2
    • Once Claire leaves their bedroom, Daniel will comment the prayer thing was weird. His dialogue after Claire's suggestion will also be impacted by swearing.
    • Daniel can ask Claire about her deceased dog and have a conversation about how she could possibly still be with them if she's dead.
  • Episode 3
    • After Jacob explains how he lost his faith, Daniel will say he doesn't believe in that kind of thing. His dialogue will also be impacted by swearing.
  • Episode 4
    • When Lisbeth asks Sean if he has faith in God:
      • If Sean replies he has faith, Lisbeth will accuse Sean of lying.
      • If Sean replies he does not have faith, Lisbeth will say Daniel told her so.
    • If Sean tells Daniel to have faith in himself, Daniel will ask how Sean knows this religion is bullshit when Sean doesn't believe in anything.

Helping with Chores[]

Daniel tidied the room

Caused by: Sean finding Daniel in the bathroom and Daniel having High Morality (≥ 0).

  • Episode 2
    • Daniel will clean using his powers, and Sean can ask him to stop or allow him to continue.
    • Contributes to helping with extra chores.

Daniel didn't want to tidy

Caused by: Sean finding Daniel in the bathroom and Daniel having Low Morality (< 0).

  • Effects on Daniel if Sean tidies the room himself
    • Lowers Daniel's Morality score by 1 point.
    • Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
  • Effects on Daniel if Sean doesn't tidy the room himself
    • Raises Daniel's Morality score by 1 point.
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
  • Episode 2
    • Doesn't contribute to helping with extra chores unless Sean tidies the room himself.

Daniel wasn't asked to help

Caused by: Sean giving up on finding Daniel after calling for him three times.

  • Effects on Daniel if Sean tidies the room himself (LM)
    • Lowers Daniel's Morality score by 1 point.
    • Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
  • Effects on Daniel if Sean doesn't tidy the room himself (LM)
    • Raises Daniel's Morality score by 1 point.
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
  • Note: In this case, Sean's decision whether to tidy the room himself only impacts Daniel if he already has Low Morality (< 0) and wouldn't want to do the cleaning anyway. If Daniel has High Morality (≥ 0), his variables will remain unaffected no matter what happens regarding the room.
  • Episode 2
    • Doesn't contribute to helping with extra chores unless Sean tidies the room himself.

Telling the Truth to Chris[]

Daniel told Chris the truth

Caused by: Sean's request to stop lying and Daniel having High Morality (≥ 0) while leaving the Christmas Market.

  • Episode 2
    • When Sean asks Daniel back home if he was honest with Chris, Daniel confirms that he was and mopes about Chris' disappointment.
    • Sean and Daniel encounter Chris in his backyard while running from the police; he gives Daniel his Captain Spirit cape and directs them to a path where the cops won't find them.
    • This completely cuts off the possibility of Chris being injured during the episode's finale.

Daniel continued lying to Chris

Caused by: Sean's request to stop lying and Daniel having Low Morality (< 0) while leaving the Christmas Market.

  • Episode 2
    • When Sean asks Daniel back home if he was honest with Chris, Daniel lies that he was and quickly changes the subject.
    • Chris will still think he has powers and run onto the road to use them to stop a police car pursuing Sean and Daniel.
    • High Power Confidence (≥ 3):
      • Daniel saves Chris from the car by throwing it to the side.
      • Once safe, Sean scolds Daniel for lying.
    • Low Power Confidence (< 3):
      • Daniel watches in shock as Chris is hit by the car.
      • Once safe, Daniel blames himself for the accident.

Daniel wasn't told to tell Chris

Caused by: Sean's request to protect the secret.

  • Episode 2
    • Sean doesn't ask Daniel back home if he was honest with Chris.
    • Chris will still think he has powers and run onto the road to use them to stop a police car pursuing Sean and Daniel.
    • High Power Confidence (≥ 3):
      • Daniel saves Chris from the car by throwing it to the side.
      • Once safe, Sean reassures Daniel that Chris won't hate him for lying.
    • Low Power Confidence (< 3):
      • Daniel watches in shock as Chris is hit by the car.
      • Once safe, Daniel blames Sean for the accident.

Daniel's Power[]

Daniel was encouraged to use his power

Caused by: Daniel having High Power Confidence (≥ 3).

Choices that encourage Daniel to use his power/prevent repression:

  • At the cabin, tell Daniel the power can be used as a last resort. (+1)
  • Don't intervene when Daniel lifts the cougar. (+4)
  • Don't stop Daniel when he makes the dishes float at breakfast behind Claire's back:
    • Choose in the prompt to say nothing. (+1)
    • Run out of time to respond. (0)
  • Concede to Daniel when he saves Chris at the treehouse. (0)
  • Prank Nick at the Christmas Market. (+1)
  • Use Daniel's power to blast open Karen's door. (+1)
  • Use Daniel's power to save Stephen. (+2)

  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Morality score by 4 points.
  • Note: The Morality points for this condition are subtracted as the value gets checked before the final scene with Chris.
  • Episode 2
    • Daniel instinctively steps in and saves Chris from being hit by a police car if he didn't tell him the truth earlier.

Daniel was repressed from using his power

Caused by: Daniel having Low Power Confidence (< 3).

Choices that repress Daniel from using his power/prevent encouragement:

  • At the cabin, tell Daniel the power is too dangerous. (-1)
  • Step forward when Daniel lifts the cougar. (0)
  • Stop Daniel when he makes the dishes float at breakfast behind Claire's back. (-1)
  • Remind Daniel of the rules when he saves Chris at the treehouse. (-2)
  • Don't prank Nick at the Christmas Market. (-2)
  • Find the key to open Karen's door. (-1)
  • Don't use Daniel's power to save Stephen. (-2)

  • Effects on Daniel
    • Raises Daniel's Morality score by 2 points.
  • Note: The Morality points for this condition are added as the value gets checked before the final scene with Chris.
  • Episode 2
    • Daniel watches in shock as Chris is hit by a police car if he didn't tell him the truth earlier.

Saving Chris[]

Daniel saved Chris
  • Prerequisites:
    • Daniel must have High Power Confidence (≥ 3).
    • Daniel must either not be told to be honest with Chris or continue lying despite being told to be honest.
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 4 points in total.
  • Note: Daniel gains 1 Brotherhood point as the scene takes place, then 3 Brotherhood points at the very beginning of the chapter "Breaking Free".
  • Episode 2
    • Daniel will throw the police car out of Chris' path. It is unclear if the officer is injured, but he exits the car, alive.
    • Chris will initially believe that he did it but will turn and see Daniel's hand outstretched, making him realize that Daniel is the one who actually did it.
    • Daniel will lament that Chris must hate him now because he has been discovered in his lie.
    • Based on the choice regarding telling the truth, Sean either comforts Daniel, saying Chris won't stay mad, or scolds him for disobeying the request to be honest.
    • Daniel will enjoy his Christmas present(s).

Daniel didn't save Chris
  • Prerequisites:
    • Daniel must have Low Power Confidence (< 3).
    • Daniel must either not be told to be honest with Chris or continue lying despite being told to be honest.
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 4 points in total.
  • Note: Daniel loses 2 Brotherhood points as the scene takes place, then another 2 Brotherhood points at the very beginning of the chapter "Breaking Free". There is no significance in who is blamed for the accident.
  • Episode 2
    • Chris will jump in the path of the police car. The car swerves sideways to avoid him but fails, striking him on the side.
    • Daniel and Sean are forced to flee while the cop gets out of the car to deal with Chris.
    • If Daniel wasn't asked to tell the truth to Chris, then he blames Sean for the accident.
    • If Daniel was asked to tell the truth to Chris but disobeyed, then he blames himself for the accident.
    • Either way, he will be inconsolable and too upset to enjoy his Christmas present(s).
  • Episode 4
    • Chris reveals through a letter that he broke his leg and stayed inside all winter.

Daniel didn't have to save Chris
  • Prerequisite:
    • Daniel must tell Chris the truth, obeying Sean's request to be honest.
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Daniel's Brotherhood remains unaffected.
  • Episode 2
    • Because Chris knows he has no power, he doesn't move into the police car's path; instead, he is sitting on the swings in the backyard when Sean and Daniel cut through.
    • Chris guides them through a backwoods shortcut that avoids the police entirely.
    • Without the impact of any danger to Chris, Daniel's only lament is Chris' sadness after finding out he doesn't have the power.
    • Daniel will enjoy his Christmas present(s).

Blame for the Accident[]

Daniel blamed himself
  • Episode 2
    • Daniel will blame himself for not telling Chris the truth, as he disobeyed Sean's request to be honest.

Daniel blamed Sean
  • Episode 2
    • Daniel will blame Sean for asking to protect the secret and repressing him from using the power.

Chris wasn't hurt
  • Episode 2
    • There's no one to blame, as there was no accident.

An Early Christmas[]

Daniel enjoyed his presents

Caused by: Chris being fine, either because he was told the truth or saved.

  • Effects on Daniel
    • Raises Daniel's Morality score by 3 points.
  • Note: The additional impact on Morality presumably serves as a "correction" to the influence of Daniel's power confidence. It appears to be a design choice related to Daniel's dialogue before receiving the present(s).
    • The encouraged Daniel always enjoys his present(s), so he always loses just 1 Morality point in the end.
    • The repressed Daniel who enjoys his present(s) gains a total of 5 Morality points.
  • Episode 2
    • Daniel will make an enthusiastic comment and hug Sean.
    • Daniel will give Sean a drawing he made right after.
    • High Brotherhood (≥ 1): The drawing depicts a smiling Sean wearing a superhero cape.
    • Low Brotherhood (< 1): The drawing depicts a grimacing Sean without the cape.
    • Note: By the time Daniel gives the drawing, his Brotherhood has already been impacted by helping Stephen and Chris' fate; therefore, these conditions also contribute to which drawing Sean may receive.

Daniel was too upset

Caused by: Chris getting hit by the car.

  • Note: The repressed Daniel who can't enjoy his present(s) only gains 2 Morality points.
  • Episode 2
    • Daniel will only thank Sean for getting him something.
    • Daniel's drawing will appear in Sean's inventory without an explanation.



Daniel falls for Sean's prank

Caused by: Daniel having High Brotherhood (≥ 1).

  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
  • Episode 2
    • Sean reaches his hand inside a rabbit hole and pretends to get bitten in order to give Daniel a scare.
    • Daniel does indeed get scared, then slightly irritated with Sean, calling him a moron.
    • Sean can no longer discuss the burrow with Daniel if he hasn't.

Daniel doesn't fall for Sean's prank

Caused by: Daniel having Low Brotherhood (< 1).

  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
  • Episode 2
    • Sean reaches his hand inside a rabbit hole and pretends to get bitten in order to give Daniel a scare.
    • Daniel only appears surprised but quickly realizes it's a prank. He gets slightly irritated with Sean, calling him a moron.
    • Sean can no longer discuss the burrow with Daniel if he hasn't.

Sean doesn't prank Daniel
  • Episode 2
    • Sean can decide to only discuss the rabbit hole with Daniel or not interact with it at all.

The Third Rule[]

Daniel suggests his power could help the brothers sometime.

Tell Daniel the power can be used as a last resort
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Raises Daniel's Power Confidence score by 1 point.
  • Episode 2
    • Sean agrees but advises Daniel to always look for other ways of helping the situation before using the power.

Tell Daniel the power is too dangerous to use
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Power Confidence score by 1 point.
  • Episode 2
    • Sean tells Daniel he should never resort to using his power in crisis. Daniel is confused and asks what's the point of having the power, to which Sean can't find an answer.

Family Photo[]

Daniel left the photo intact

Caused by: Daniel having High Morality (≥ 0).

  • Episode 2
    • Daniel didn't take out his anger on the photo of the family.
    • If Sean looks at the photo, he will comment that it feels weird to be living in their house.

Daniel defaced the photo

Caused by: Daniel having Low Morality (< 0).

  • Episode 2
    • Daniel took his anger out on the photo, destroying and adding indecent elements to it with a marker.
    • If Sean looks at the photo, he will comment that he doesn't blame Daniel for "being pissed that day".

Bedroom Conversation[]

Ask Daniel if using the power hurts
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
  • Episode 2
    • Daniel reassures Sean that using the power only itches and uses up a lot of energy.

Ask Daniel if the power makes him feel strong
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
  • Episode 2
    • Daniel says he doesn't think that and is slightly surprised by Sean's question.

Power at Breakfast[]

Daniel uses his power to set the plates while Claire isn't watching.

Stop Daniel from using the power
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Raises Daniel's Morality score by 1 point.
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
    • Lowers Daniel's Power Confidence score by 1 point.
  • Episode 2
    • Sean angrily tells Daniel to stop using the power immediately.
    • Daniel is caught off guard and lets go of the flying plates, making a noise and alerting Claire for a second.

Choose in the prompt to say nothing
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Morality score by 2 points.
    • Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
    • Raises Daniel's Power Confidence score by 1 point.
  • Episode 2
    • Sean watches as Daniel properly stacks the plates with his power.
    • Claire isn't alert to anything.

Run out of time to respond
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Daniel's Morality, Brotherhood, and Power Confidence all remain unaffected.
  • Note: In this case, it is unclear whether the lack of any impact on Daniel was intentional or not; nonetheless, it can serve as an opportunity for more playthroughs with varied outcomes.
  • Episode 2
    • Sean watches as Daniel properly stacks the plates with his power.
    • Claire isn't alert to anything.

Daniel's Homework[]

Tell Daniel it's important to learn
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Raises Daniel's Morality score by 1 point.
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
  • Episode 2
    • Sean encourages Daniel to keep studying so that he doesn't become dumb, to which he reluctantly complies.

Tell Daniel he doesn't have to learn
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Morality score by 1 point.
    • Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
  • Episode 2
    • Sean tells Daniel there's no need to study, as the brothers are their own teachers now, with which Daniel happily agrees.

Daniel's Makeup[]

Blue makeup
  • Prerequisite: Chris made a colorful costume for himself in "The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit".
  • Note: The makeup has nothing to do with Daniel's previous actions or current morality.
  • Episode 2
    • Since Chris' costume is mostly blue, Daniel's "wild animal" makeup is done using blue dye to match the appearance code.

Red makeup
  • Prerequisite: Chris made a dark costume for himself in "The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit".
  • Note: The makeup has nothing to do with Daniel's previous actions or current morality.
  • Episode 2
    • Since Chris' costume has red elements, Daniel's "wild animal" makeup is done using red dye to match the appearance code.

Caught at Chris' House[]

Sean catches Daniel and Chris in the living room, playing with toys using the power.

Call out the irresponsible behavior
  • Episode 2
    • Sean scolds the boys (mainly Daniel) for using the power out in the open, saying it's dangerous, to which Daniel responds with guilt.

Act impressed with the power
  • Episode 2
    • Sean goes easy on the boys and plays along, feigning admiration for the abilities, to which Chris responds with pride.

Superhero Name[]

Daniel asks Sean to think of a superhero name for himself.

Make a nickname
  • Episode 2
    • Sean has the option to call himself: El Diazblo Loco, Silver Runner, or Professor D.
    • Daniel and Chris respond positively to Silver Runner. The two other ideas are approached with some distance but won't lead to any actual repercussions.
  • Episode 5
    • Daniel uses the chosen nickname while inviting Sean to his treasure hunt.

Refuse to make a nickname
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
  • Episode 2
    • Sean says he doesn't need a superhero name, since he's already awesome.
    • Daniel gets slightly annoyed and says they're going to call him Super Lame.
  • Episode 5
    • Daniel simply calls Sean Big Brother while inviting him to his treasure hunt.

Christmas Wreath[]

Buy a wreath
  • Episode 2
    • Sean will have to spend money on a wreath ($10).
    • When Daniel tells Claire about the wreath, she gets even angrier because they disobeyed another rule.

Don't buy
  • Episode 2
    • Sean won't have to spend any money.
    • Daniel won't tell Claire that they went to the Christmas market.

Pranking Nick[]

Agree to prank Nick
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Morality score by 3 points.
    • Raises Daniel's Power Confidence score by 1 point.
  • Episode 2
    • The brothers share a lighthearted moment as they prank Nick, throwing a pile of snow onto him with Daniel's power.
    • Nick leaves, and Sean can't talk to him.

Drop the idea
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Raises Daniel's Morality score by 2 points.
    • Lowers Daniel's Power Confidence score by 2 points.
  • Episode 2
    • Sean advises not to get involved, as Nick doesn't seem nice, to which Daniel agrees.
    • Sean can have a conversation with Nick.

Karen's Door[]

Use the key
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Daniel's Morality remains unaffected.
    • Lowers Daniel's Power Confidence score by 1 point.
  • Episode 2
    • Sean uses the found key to open the door to Karen's room.
    • Claire is angry with Sean and Daniel for searching through her and Stephen's belongings.

Break the door open
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Morality score by 2 points.
    • Raises Daniel's Power Confidence score by 1 point.
  • Episode 2
    • Sean lets Daniel use his power on the door, since he can't find the key.
    • Daniel ends up breaking the door frame.
      • High Morality (≥ 0): Daniel feels sorry about that.
      • Low Morality (< 0): Daniel laughs it off.
    • Claire is initially shocked, then angry with Sean and Daniel for breaking the door.

Education Events[]

Sean's Events - Episode Two[]

  • Depending on how much money Sean has in his wallet at the very end of Episode 1 and whether he performed any theft at the gas station, the amount of money he has at the start of the episode will vary:

Had at least $40 at the end of "Roads"

Stole groceries and/or camping gear from the gas station

Sean has $30.03 left in his wallet with a description: "I had to buy and steal some food from the nearest town a few weeks ago. But I managed to save a bit of cash."

Didn't steal groceries or camping gear

Sean has $20.03 left in his wallet with a description: "I had to buy food from the nearest town a few weeks ago. But I managed to save a bit of cash."

Had at least $20 and less than $40

Stole groceries and/or camping gear from the gas station

Sean has $15.03 left in his wallet with a description: "I had to buy and steal some food from the nearest town a few weeks ago. But I managed to save a bit of cash."

Didn't steal groceries or camping gear

Sean has $10.03 left in his wallet with a description: "I had to buy food from the nearest town a few weeks ago. But I managed to save a bit of cash."

Had less than $20

Stole groceries and/or camping gear from the gas station

Sean has $9.03 left in his wallet with a description: "We didn't have enough money to make it through the month. So I had to steal some food from the nearest town. Did some dumpster diving too..."

Didn't steal groceries or camping gear

Sean has $4.03 left in his wallet with a description: "Had to go dumpster diving in the nearest town a few weeks ago... Didn't have enough money to make it through the whole month."

  • At the Christmas market, if Sean is honest about being the Reynolds' relative, he will obtain a $1 discount from the gift vendor.

Episode Three - "Wastelands"[]



Sean made coffee after drinking the last cup
  • Episode 3
    • Sean will say he's making his specialty, "Cafe Diaz".
    • Penny will comment that he likes the coffee.
    • Penny won't mention the coffee at the party.

Sean didn't make coffee
  • Episode 3
    • If Sean leaves the area, Penny will call after him and comment that he forgot to make more coffee.
    • At the party, Penny will joke that Sean is a lightweight and kept all of the coffee for himself.


You hit the target
  • Episode 3
    • Finn will try to give Sean some advice on how to aim better.
    • The third attempt Daniel will intentionally make Sean miss.

You missed the target
  • Episode 3
    • The blade will bounce off of the tree, and Finn will comment that you whiffed it. Finn tells Daniel to explain how it's done. Daniel makes fun of Sean.
    • If you miss a second time, Finn will try to give Sean some advice on how to aim better.
    • The third attempt Daniel will intentionally make Sean miss.

You hit a bullseye
  • Episode 3
    • Raises Finn's Romance score by 1 point if Sean succeeds on his first attempt.
    • Finn will be impressed with Sean's skills, asking if the brothers escaped from a circus.
    • If Sean succeeds on his first attempt, Daniel will intentionally make Sean miss on his second attempt. Otherwise, the interference will happen on the third attempt.


You tried to be understanding
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
  • Episode 3
    • Sean apologizes and tells Daniel that it's dangerous for them to look for her.

You refused to talk about finding her
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Morality score by 1 point.
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
  • Episode 3
    • Sean tells Daniel that they can't trust her.

The Watch[]

You asked Daniel why he doesn't wear the watch
  • Episode 3
    • Daniel will say that Finn gave him a wristband to wear.
    • High Brotherhood (≥ 0): Daniel simply comments that Finn's wristband is "pretty cool".
    • Low Brotherhood (< 0): Daniel comments how Finn's wristband is "way less lame" than Sean's watch.

You didn't mention it
  • Episode 3
    • Sean and Daniel will not talk about the watch.

Big Joe and Cassidy[]

You intervened
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Raises Daniel's Morality score by 1 point.
  • Episode 3
    • Lowers Cassidy's Romance score by 1 point.
    • Big Joe, Cassidy, and Daniel will all chide Sean for intervening.
    • Merrill will complain they are late, and Cassidy won't be as confident while talking to him or Big Joe.

You didn't call Big Joe out
  • Episode 3
    • The group will head inside the hothouse without any quarrels.
    • Cassidy will be more confident while talking to Merrill and Big Joe.

Weed Trimming[]

You trimmed a lot of weed buds

Caused by: Trimming at least 13 weed buds.

  • Episode 3
    • Unlocks the option to collect a pen as a souvenir.
    • Sean will be satisfied with his performance in his thoughts after coming back from work.
    • Merrill will praise Sean for his work during payday.

Your trimming was average

Caused by: Trimming from 9 to 12 weed buds.

  • Episode 3
    • Unlocks the option to collect a pen as a souvenir.
    • Sean will be satisfied with his performance in his thoughts after coming back from work.
    • Merrill will praise Sean for his work during payday.

You didn't trim efficiently

Caused by: Not trimming any weed buds or only up to 8.

  • Episode 3
    • The pen souvenir will remain hidden (unless Sean trims 8 buds).
    • Sean will acknowledge his lack of focus in his thoughts after coming back from work (unless he trims 8 buds).
    • Merrill will frown and tell Sean that he should be pulling more for his weight.


You helped Daniel clean the dishes

Caused by: Sean interacting with Daniel in any way and Daniel having High Brotherhood (≥ 0).

  • Effects on Daniel if Sean offers help and Daniel accepts
    • Raises Daniel's Morality score by 1 point.
    • Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
  • Note: In this case, Daniel's Brotherhood is impacted by your offer right before his response; therefore, you can technically come up to Daniel with a Brotherhood ≥ -1 and he'll let you help.
  • Effects on Daniel if Sean asks for help and Daniel accepts
    • Daniel's Morality remains unaffected.
    • Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
  • Episode 3
    • Sean helps Daniel with the dishes and Daniel in return helps with the water tanks.

You didn't help

Caused by: Sean interacting with Daniel in any way and Daniel having Low Brotherhood (< 0) or Sean not interacting with Daniel at all.

  • Effects on Daniel if Sean offers help and Daniel refuses
    • Raises Daniel's Morality score by 1 point.
    • Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
  • Note: In this case, Daniel's Brotherhood is impacted by your offer right before his response; therefore, you should technically come up to Daniel with a Brotherhood < -1 if you want him to refuse.
  • Effects on Daniel if Sean asks for help and Daniel refuses
    • Lowers Daniel's Morality score by 1 point.
    • Daniel's Brotherhood remains unaffected.
  • Effects on Daniel if Sean ignores him
    • Lowers Daniel's Morality score by 1 point.
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
  • Episode 3
    • Daniel will not help you with the water tanks.


You were sober at the campfire

Caused by: Sean keeping Low Intoxication (< 6) at the campfire.

  • Episode 3
    • Sean's vision will remain clear around the campfire.
    • If Sean decides to draw, his drawing will look sharp and accurate.
    • Sean has the option to tell the others about Mushroom's death or Hank Stamper. He can also refuse to or stay silent, and Daniel will be the one to share bad memories.
    • If Sean stays to get a haircut, his speaking mannerism will reflect his regular personality.

You were wasted

Caused by: Sean reaching High Intoxication (≥ 6) at the campfire.

  • Choices that contribute to Sean's intoxication:
    • Accept Finn's joint. (+3)
    • Take a sip of beer (three sips can be taken, each with the same impact). (+2)
    • Smoke the bong. (+5)
  • Episode 3
    • The edges of Sean's vision will be blurry around the campfire.
    • If Sean decides to draw, his drawing will look rough and messy.
    • Sean cannot talk about his past with the others. The game will automatically redirect you to the scene where Daniel is the one to share bad memories.
      • Note: Technically, Sean can be intoxicated after this interaction is unlocked by smoking or drinking right before he begins to talk, although it's most likely a game error.
    • If Sean stays to get a haircut, his speaking mannerism will slightly reflect his state.

End of Night[]

You went to sleep with Daniel
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Affects Daniel's Morality:
      • Raising the score by 1 point if Sean is sober.
      • Lowering the score by 1 point if Sean is intoxicated.
    • Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 4 points.
  • Episode 3
    • Sean will have the same hairstyle for the rest of the episode.
    • Sean will have a conversation with Daniel to calm their relationship.
    • Daniel will say that he still likes the watch from Sean, but it is getting too small for him now. He will then ask to hear a story about the wolf brothers.

You stayed up late and got a haircut
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Morality score by 1 point.
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 3 points.
  • Episode 3
    • Raises Cassidy's Romance score by 1 point.
    • Raises Finn's Romance score by 1 point.
    • Sean will have a different hairstyle for the rest of the episode.
    • Sean can reveal his sexual preferences to the others, contributing to relationships with Finn and Cassidy, respectively.

Big Joe and Daniel[]

You came forward
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Raises Daniel's Morality score by 2 points.
    • Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 2 points.
  • Episode 3
    • Raises Cassidy's Romance score by 1 point.
    • Raises Finn's Romance score by 1 point.
    • Sean will have a black eye on the left side for the rest of the episode.

Finn came forward
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Morality score by 2 points.
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 2 points.
  • Episode 3
    • Finn will have a bruise for the rest of the episode.

The Heist[]

You were in for the heist
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Morality score by 4 points.
    • Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 2 points.
  • Episode 3
    • Raises Finn's Romance score by 2 points.
    • This will open the option for Finn to become Sean's romantic interest.
    • This will lock you out of Cassidy becoming Sean's romantic interest in the long run. Technically, you can lie about your decision and share a kiss in the lake, but this will only lead to Cassidy resenting you strongly.
    • Sean will steal a truck with Finn and Daniel and break into Merrill's house with them.
    • Cassidy will not be injured.
    • If the heist goes well, Sean can choose whether or not to take the gun from Merrill's safe.
  • Episode 4
    • Sean will dream about Daniel regretting that they went along with Finn, even though it was Daniel's wish.
    • Sean's optional dialogues at the hospital indicate his noticeable responsibility for how things turned out.
    • Lisbeth will use the heist while arguing with Sean to accuse him of being a sinner.
    • Sean can mention to Jacob that he provoked the situation by going along with the robbery.
    • During the final confrontation, Sean will express to Daniel his remorse about agreeing to the heist.
  • Episode 5
    • If Finn is romanced, alive, protected from getting sentenced, and forgiven, he will send Sean a warm letter with his phone number, explaining where he currently is and that he might think about joining Sean in Mexico after finishing his sentence.
    • If Finn isn't romanced, alive, protected from getting sentenced, or forgiven, Sean will not receive a letter from any of the Drifters.
    • Cassidy is guaranteed not to join Sean in the Parting Ways ending. Finn, on the other hand, will join him if he is romanced, alive, protected from getting sentenced, and forgiven.

You were out
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Raises Daniel's Morality score by 4 points.
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 3 points in total.
  • Note: Daniel loses 1 Brotherhood point right after Sean makes the choice at the campsite, then 2 Brotherhood points when Sean confirms his choice in Merrill's kitchen.
  • Episode 3
    • This will lock you out of Finn becoming Sean's romantic interest.
    • This will allow you to keep Cassidy as a romantic interest, as there are no potential lies involved.
    • Cassidy will assist Sean in stealing a truck from Big Joe and follow Finn and Daniel into Merrill's house with him.
    • Low Morality (< 0): Daniel will lift Cassidy with his power and choke her prior to the confrontation with Merrill.
      • Note: Sean's rejection of the heist has already impacted the score at that point.
    • Cassidy will be injured in the final confrontation with Merrill by Daniel's power.
  • Episode 4
    • Sean will dream about Daniel regretting that he was too angry to obey and stop the robbery.
    • Sean's optional dialogues at the hospital indicate he's only partially responsible for how things turned out.
    • Sean can simply mention to Jacob that he should've protected Daniel better.
    • During the final confrontation, Sean will apologize he took Daniel for granted and put him in danger.
  • Episode 5
    • If Cassidy is romanced, she will send Sean a warm letter with her phone number, explaining where she currently is with the others and that she might think about joining Sean in Mexico after she parts with the other Drifters.
    • If Cassidy isn't romanced, Sean will receive a collective letter from Cassidy, Hannah, and Penny. Everyone will write something, explain where they currently are, and wish the brothers well. Cassidy announces she is willing to see Sean again.
    • Cassidy will join Sean in the Parting Ways ending, regardless of whether she was romanced or not.

You were eventually convinced
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Raises Daniel's Morality score by 2 points in total.
    • Daniel's Brotherhood remains unaffected in the end.
  • Note: Daniel gains 4 Morality points and loses 1 Brotherhood point right after Sean makes the choice at the campsite, then loses 2 Morality points and gains back 1 Brotherhood point when Sean changes his mind in Merrill's kitchen.
  • Episode 3
    • This will lock you out of Finn becoming Sean's romantic interest.
    • This will allow you to keep Cassidy as a romantic interest, as there are no potential lies involved.
    • Cassidy will assist Sean in stealing a truck from Big Joe and follow Finn and Daniel into Merrill's house with him.
    • Cassidy will storm out in anger once Sean agrees to join the heist, which has different outcomes depending on Big Joe's status.
      • If Big Joe was not alerted or his other vehicle was sabotaged, Cassidy will not be injured in the final confrontation with Merrill.
      • If Big Joe was alerted and had a working vehicle, he will bring Cassidy back into Merrill's house, where she will be injured in the final confrontation with Merrill.
  • Episode 4
    • Sean will dream about Daniel regretting that he was too angry to obey and stop the robbery.
    • Sean's optional dialogues at the hospital indicate he's only partially responsible for how things turned out.
    • Sean can simply mention to Jacob that he should've protected Daniel better.
    • During the final confrontation, Sean will apologize he took Daniel for granted and put him in danger.
  • Episode 5
    • If Cassidy is romanced, she will send Sean a warm letter with her phone number, explaining where she currently is with the others and that she might think about joining Sean in Mexico after she parts with the other Drifters.
    • If Cassidy isn't romanced, Sean will receive a collective letter from Cassidy, Hannah and Penny. Everyone will write something, explain where they currently are and wish the brothers well. Cassidy announces she is willing to see Sean again.
    • Cassidy will join Sean in the Parting Ways ending, regardless of whether she was romanced or not.

Kissing Finn[]

You and Finn kissed

Caused by: Agreeing to the heist at the campsite and High Finn Romance (≥ 3).

Choices that bring Sean and Finn close:

  • Hit the bullseye on your first attempt while knife-throwing (the point will not be added in any other instance). (+1)
  • Compare Big Joe to Bigfoot on your way to work. (+1)
  • Ask Finn about his day after getting out of Big Joe's truck. (+1)
  • Ask Finn about his story. (+1)
  • Speak to Finn while he's playing around with a wood piece. (+1)
  • Draw Finn (the point will be added once Cassidy sees your finished drawing). (+1)
  • Stay at the campfire to get a haircut (the mere action of staying). (+1)
  • While staying up late, reveal that you find some boys cute. (+1)
  • Stand up for Daniel after he hits Big Joe. (+1)
  • Agree to the heist at the campsite. (+2)

  • Episode 3
    • Sean can tell Cassidy about the kiss if he chooses to go swimming and their romance is low.
    • Sean will not be able to enter Cassidy's tent even if Sean kisses Cassidy in the water. This is because Finn and Daniel will approach Sean at the campsite, and Cassidy will get mad about the heist.
    • Finn will admire Sean in a romantic way upon hearing his plan to hotwire Big Joe's truck.
    • Sean can think about how he actually went through with kissing Finn during the heist.
    • Upon arriving at Merrill's, Finn will be glad that Sean followed him, saying "to the end and shit."
  • Episode 4
    • Sean will draw a romantic sketch of Finn in the hospital, regardless of what happens to him at the farm.
    • In the hospital, Finn will talk to Sean in a romantic manner if he's alive and forgiven.
    • In his dream, Sean can come out to Esteban by revealing he kissed a boy.
    • Sean might reference his relationship with Finn to Jacob when talking in Lisbeth's office.
  • Episode 5
    • When Daniel mentions seeing Arthur and Stanley kissing, Sean has the option to tell him that he kissed Finn.
    • If Finn is alive, forgiven, and protected from getting sentenced, then he will join Sean in the Parting Ways ending.

You and Finn remained friends

Caused by: Disagreeing to the heist at the campsite and/or Low Finn Romance (< 3); eventually, rejecting Finn's advances.

Optional choices that weaken Sean and Finn's romance:

  • On your way to work, say that Big Joe is just a goon or ask Finn and Daniel not to be mean. (-1)
  • If the cougar was killed in Episode 2, reveal it to everyone at the campfire. (-1)
  • Let Daniel share bad memories at the campfire (regardless of your state). (-1)
  • While staying up late, say that you're more into girls or not into dating. (-2)
    • Eventually, that you had many girlfriends. (-1)

  • Episode 3
    • If Sean is out for the heist or eventually convinced of the heist, he will not be able to kiss Finn, regardless of their romance score.
    • If Sean is in for the heist but doesn't reciprocate Finn's potential feelings, Finn will tell him that it's okay. Sean will not be able to enter Cassidy's tent even if he kisses her, as Finn and Daniel will approach Sean at the campsite, and Cassidy will get mad.
    • If Sean goes with Finn and Daniel, Finn will admire Sean in a platonic way upon hearing his plan to hotwire Big Joe's truck.
    • If Sean arrives at Merrill's with Finn and Daniel, Finn will be glad that Sean and Daniel followed him to teach the farm owners a lesson.


You chose a wolf tattoo
  • Episode 3
    • Raises Cassidy's Romance score by 2 points or 1, depending on whether Sean agrees to it right away.
    • Cassidy tattoos a wolf on Sean's arm.
  • Episode 4
    • In the hospital, Sean will look at his tattoo after reading Cassidy's mail.

Cassidy chose your tattoo
  • Episode 3
    • Raises Cassidy's Romance score by 2 points or 1, depending on whether Sean agrees to it right away.
    • Cassidy tattoos several cannabis plants on Sean's arm.
  • Episode 4
    • In the hospital, Sean will look at his tattoo after reading Cassidy's mail.

You didn't get a tattoo
  • Episode 3
    • Lowers Cassidy's Romance score by 1 point if Sean chats with her and refuses the tattoo.
    • If Sean agreed to the heist, he can completely skip the tattoo chat by talking to Daniel about going to the robbery.
    • If Sean chats with her, Cassidy will assure Sean that it's okay. The exact dialogue will vary depending on Sean's romance score with her, which has already been impacted by his refusal at that point.

Midnight Swim[]

You didn't follow Cassidy for a midnight swim
  • Episode 3
    • If Sean disagreed to the heist, Cassidy will get dressed and tell him he should've come with her. She will then take Sean back to her tent where they will be interrupted by Hannah.
    • If Sean agreed to the heist, he can completely skip the lake with Cassidy by talking to Daniel about going to the robbery.

You did go for a midnight swim
  • Episode 3
    • Cassidy will go skinny dipping in the lake and invite Sean in. Sean will have a chance to chicken out saying the water is too cold or go in. The exact dialogue in the lake will vary depending on how high Sean's romance with Cassidy is.
    • If Sean and Cassidy's romance is high, she will tell him that she likes him and Sean will have a chance to ignore her advances or say he likes her too. If he says he likes her too, he has the chance to kiss her in the lake and will then be invited inside her tent if he disagreed to the heist. Once they leave the tent, Hannah will ask them if they've seen Finn.
    • If Sean and Cassidy's romance is low or Sean ignores her advances, she will tell him she has to swing by her tent and Hannah will interrupt them.

Cassidy's Anger[]

Cassidy got angry at you

Caused by: Agreeing to the heist at the campsite and going to the lake in general.

  • Episode 3
    • If Sean reveals that he agreed to the heist while in the lake, Cassidy will storm off and take his flashlight.
      • This makes it impossible to kiss Cassidy.
    • If Sean lies about agreeing to the heist, Finn and Daniel will approach Sean after he and Cassidy get out of the lake. The three reveal the plan, angering Cassidy and causing her to storm off.
      • Sean can take advantage of lying to Cassidy and kiss her in the lake. This will, however, result in Cassidy's particular resentment towards Sean.

Cassidy didn't get angry at you

Caused by: Not agreeing to the heist at the campsite or agreeing but not joining Cassidy for a midnight swim.

  • Episode 3
    • If Sean goes on a midnight swim, he can kiss Cassidy without lying to her.
    • Sean has the option to enter Cassidy's tent if he kisses her.

Kissing Cassidy[]

You kissed Cassidy

Caused by: Going for a midnight swim and High Cassidy Romance (≥ 4).

Choices that bring Sean and Cassidy close:

  • On your way to work, say that you feel free or are turning into a dirty hippie. (+1)
  • Compare Big Joe to Bigfoot. (+1)
  • Say that trimming weed feels like a factory. (+1)
  • Speak to Cassidy while she's playing her guitar. (+1)
  • Draw Cassidy (the point will be added once Cassidy sees your finished drawing). (+1)
  • Ask Cassidy what she misses about her old life once you talk about your drawing of her/Finn. (+1)
  • Tell Cassidy you love her voice at the campfire. (+1)
  • Stay at the campfire to get a haircut (the mere action of staying). (+1)
  • While staying up late, reveal that you're more into girls. (+1)
  • Stand up for Daniel after he hits Big Joe. (+1)
  • Offer Cassidy to come with you during the campsite party. (+2)
  • Agree to get a tattoo right away. (+2)
    • Eventually, accept the tattoo after some convincing. (+1)

  • Episode 3
    • If he didn't agree to the heist, Sean has the option to enter Cassidy's tent.
    • This option confirms Sean's romance with Cassidy, regardless of whether he enters her tent or not.
    • If Sean arrives at Merrill's with Cassidy, she will say that things can't go wrong after the night they've had and that they're going to be fine together.
  • Episode 4
    • If Sean doesn't agree with Finn's plan (at least initially), Cassidy will send a very warm and supportive letter.
    • If Sean lies to Cassidy about not agreeing with Finn's plan, she will send Sean a hostile letter and cut all ties with him.
    • Sean will draw a romantic sketch of Cassidy in the hospital, regardless of whether she cuts ties with him or not.

You didn't kiss Cassidy

Caused by: Not going for a midnight swim and/or Low Cassidy Romance (< 4); eventually, rejecting Cassidy's advances.

Optional choices that weaken Sean and Cassidy's romance:

  • Say that you still feel like an outsider on your way to work. (-1)
  • Intervene when Big Joe slaps Cassidy. (-1)
  • Say that trimming weed is kind of cool. (-1)
  • If the cougar was killed in Episode 2, reveal it to everyone at the campfire. (-1)
  • While staying up late, say that you're not into dating or had many girlfriends. (-2)
  • Refuse to get a tattoo. (-1)

  • Episode 3
    • Sean cannot enter Cassidy's tent, even if he didn't agree to the heist.
    • If Sean arrives at Merrill's with Cassidy, she will assure him that Finn and Daniel should be fine and that it's going to be okay.

Cassidy's Tent[]

You went into Cassidy's tent

Caused by: Disagreeing to the heist and kissing Cassidy, then accepting her offer to go into her tent.

  • Episode 3
    • Sean loses his virginity to Cassidy.
    • Cassidy will comment that Sean is full of surprises upon hearing his plan to hotwire Big Joe's truck.

You didn't enter Cassidy's tent

Caused by: Agreeing to the heist and/or not kissing Cassidy; eventually, rejecting her offer to go into her tent.

  • Episode 3
    • If Sean agrees to the heist or disagrees but also doesn't kiss Cassidy, the possibility of entering her tent is completely cut off.
    • If Sean disagrees to the heist, kisses Cassidy, then expresses uncertainty about going into her tent, Cassidy gets bitter for a moment, and Sean feels bad. This, however, doesn't cancel his romance with her.
    • Sean doesn't lose his virginity to Cassidy.
    • If Sean goes with Cassidy, she will comment that she loves his plan to hotwire Big Joe's truck.

Evading Big Joe[]

You stole a vehicle without alerting Big Joe

Caused by: Breaking into the truck through the back window.

  • Effects on Daniel
    • (Lowers Daniel's Morality score when Sean goes with Finn and Daniel:)
      • (By 2 points if Sean uses Daniel's power on any vehicle.)
      • (By 1 point if Sean doesn't use the power on any vehicle.)
    • (Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point if Big Joe doesn't join the confrontation, regardless of who Sean goes with.)
  • Notes about Morality:
    • If Sean goes with Finn and Daniel, the game will subtract 2 Morality points if he asks Daniel to force open the truck door, the back window, or any of the two vehicle hoods. If none of these four actions are performed, Daniel will lose 1 Morality point.
    • If Sean goes with Cassidy, it is advisable to always play the chapter "Under the Hood" from the beginning. Otherwise, Daniel may unfairly lose 1 Morality point due to a mistake in the game's code.
  • Note about Brotherhood:
    • If Sean goes with Finn and Daniel, leaves Big Joe a working vehicle, and gets caught by Merrill on the CCTV, Daniel's Brotherhood remains unaffected in the end. He gains 1 Brotherhood point while leaving the parking lot, then loses 1 Brotherhood point once Big Joe shows up at Merrill's.
  • Episode 3
    • Big Joe will not alert Merrill to the heist (Note that this makes a bigger difference if Sean is with Finn and Daniel).
    • Big Joe will not join the final confrontation, unless Sean leaves at least one functional vehicle and gets caught by Merrill on the CCTV. In that case, Big Joe will join, shoot Finn in the leg, and get injured at the end.
  • Episode 4
    • If the specific requirements were met, and Big Joe joined the final confrontation, Agent Flores will have his mugshot in her case files.

You woke Big Joe up and he came after you

Caused by: Waking Big Joe up without properly wrecking his vehicle(s).

  • Effects on Daniel
    • (Lowers Daniel's Morality score when Sean goes with Finn and Daniel:)
      • (By 2 points if Sean uses Daniel's power on any vehicle.)
      • (By 1 point if Sean doesn't use the power on any vehicle.)
    • (Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 2 points in total when Sean goes with Finn and Daniel.)
  • Notes about Morality:
    • If Sean goes with Finn and Daniel, the game will subtract 2 Morality points if he asks Daniel to force open the truck door, the back window, or any of the two vehicle hoods. If none of these four actions are performed, Daniel will lose 1 Morality point.
    • If Sean goes with Cassidy, it is advisable to always play the chapter "Under the Hood" from the beginning. Otherwise, Daniel may unfairly lose 1 Morality point due to a mistake in the game's code.
  • Notes about Brotherhood:
    • If Sean goes with Finn and Daniel, Daniel loses 1 Brotherhood point while leaving the parking lot, then another Brotherhood point once Big Joe shows up at Merrill's.
    • If Sean goes with Cassidy, Daniel's Brotherhood remains unaffected in the end. He loses 1 Brotherhood point while leaving the parking lot, then gains 1 Brotherhood point once Big Joe shows up at Merrill's (presumably a design choice).
  • Episode 3
    • Big Joe will alert Merrill to the heist (Note that this makes a bigger difference if Sean is with Finn and Daniel).
    • Big Joe is guaranteed to join the confrontation in Merrill's living room, shoot Finn in the leg, and get injured at the end.
    • If Sean went after Finn and Daniel with Cassidy but changed his mind in the kitchen, she will be dragged back into the living room by Big Joe.
  • Episode 4

You sabotaged Big Joe’s vehicles

Caused by: Waking Big Joe up after breaking the engine or slashing the tires of the car. If Sean agreed to the heist, he also needs to break the engine in the other truck.

  • Effects on Daniel
    • (Lowers Daniel's Morality score when Sean goes with Finn and Daniel:)
      • (By 2 points if Sean uses Daniel's power on any vehicle.)
      • (By 1 point if Sean doesn't use the power on any vehicle.)
    • Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point, regardless of who Sean goes with.
  • Notes about Morality:
    • If Sean goes with Finn and Daniel, the game will subtract 2 Morality points if he asks Daniel to force open the truck door, the back window, or any of the two vehicle hoods. If none of these four actions are performed, Daniel will lose 1 Morality point.
    • If Sean goes with Cassidy, it is advisable to always play the chapter "Under the Hood" from the beginning. Otherwise, Daniel may unfairly lose 1 Morality point due to a mistake in the game's code.
  • Episode 3
    • Big Joe will alert Merrill to the heist (Note that this makes a bigger difference if Sean is with Finn and Daniel).
    • If you agree to the heist, aren't caught on the CCTVs, and successfully lift the bar behind the living room door, Merrill will only take out a radio upon catching the group and tell Big Joe that he was right.
    • Big Joe is guaranteed not to join the final confrontation or get injured.

Breaking into Merrill's[]

You snuck in without being noticed

Caused by: Agreeing to the heist from the start, avoiding alerting Big Joe, disabling the CCTV cameras in time and lifting up the bar behind the door while looking through the window.

  • Episode 3
    • Daniel will break open the safe, which Finn takes several stacks of money from.
    • Sean will have the option to steal a gun from the safe.

You alerted him while sneaking in

Caused by: Agreeing to the heist but getting spotted at any point (alerting Big Joe, failing to disable the CCTV cameras in time, breaking the living room door open).

  • Episode 3
    • Merrill will find you when you enter the living room and he will threaten you with a shotgun.
    • Even if Sean doesn't alert Big Joe but gets caught by Merrill on the CCTV, Big Joe will join the final confrontation, unless Sean tampers with his vehicles. This is presumably because Merrill calls Big Joe over once he spots Sean. Note that this event doesn't concern the scenario in which Sean and Cassidy go after Finn and Daniel, since it's impossible to get caught this way.

You came in after Finn and Daniel broke in

Caused by: Disagreeing to the heist.

  • Episode 3
    • Merrill will already be alert to your intrusion and confront the group in his living room, no matter what choice you make in the kitchen.

The Gun[]

You took the gun from Merrill's safe

Caused by: Agreeing to the heist from the start and successfully breaking the safe open.

  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Morality score by 2 points.
  • Episode 3
    • Sean has the option to use the gun on Merrill during the confrontation, either when Merrill orders them to get down on their knees or when Merrill is about to shoot Finn.

You didn't take the gun from the safe

Caused by: Not getting to the safe in general or choosing not to take the gun.

  • Episode 3
    • Sean doesn't have a gun to use during the confrontation.

Final Confrontation[]

You shot Merrill and Finn was killed
  • Prerequisites: Go to the heist with Daniel and Finn, steal a vehicle undetected, get inside Merrill's residence without breaking the door open or being seen by cameras, open the safe, take the gun, and use the gun on Merrill.
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Morality score by 4 points.
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 3 points.
  • Episode 3
    • Sean shoots Merrill in the shoulder, who shoots Finn in the chest in turn.
    • Daniel lashes out with his power at Sean.
  • Episode 4
    • Finn will not be at the Sacred Hope hospital at the beginning of the episode.
    • Cassidy's letter will take on a sad tone in light of Finn's death (or particularly hostile if Sean lied to her and kissed her).
    • Agent Flores will show Sean a photo of Finn's body inside Merrill's house.
    • Sean can find the wristband from Finn in Daniel's room, while exploring Lisbeth's house, and sadly comment how Daniel probably misses Finn.
  • Episode 5
    • If Sean tells Daniel he kissed Finn, he will add that he wouldn't lie after what happened.

You told Daniel to use his power and Finn wasn't killed

Caused by: Sean asking Daniel to use his power during the confrontation.

  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Morality score by 2 points.
    • Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 3 points.
  • Episode 3
    • Merrill shoots Daniel in the shoulder, leading Daniel to lose control of his power and injure the 3-5 other people in the room.
  • Episode 4
    • Finn will be at the Sacred Hope hospital at the beginning of the episode.
    • Cassidy's letter will not be impacted by any additional tragedies.
    • Agent Flores will show Sean a photo of an unconscious Finn in the hospital.
    • Sean can find the wristband from Finn in Daniel's room, while exploring Lisbeth's house, and comment how Finn was Daniel's real friend after all.
  • Episode 5
    • If Sean tells Daniel he kissed Finn, the conversation will have a lighthearted tone, since Finn survived.

You did nothing and Finn wasn't killed

Caused by: Sean asking Daniel not to move during the confrontation and Daniel having Low Brotherhood (< 2).

  • Effects on Daniel
    • Raises Daniel's Morality score by 1 point.
    • Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
  • Episode 3
    • Daniel disobeys Sean, uses his power, and gets shot in the shoulder by Merrill. This leads him to lose control of his power and injure the 3-5 other people in the room.
  • Episode 4
    • Finn will be at the Sacred Hope hospital at the beginning of the episode.
    • Cassidy's letter will not be impacted by any additional tragedies.
    • Agent Flores will show Sean a photo of an unconscious Finn in the hospital.
    • Sean can find the wristband from Finn in Daniel's room, while exploring Lisbeth's house, and comment how Finn was Daniel's real friend after all.
  • Episode 5
    • If Sean tells Daniel he kissed Finn, the conversation will have a lighthearted tone, since Finn survived.

You did nothing and Finn was killed

Caused by: Sean asking Daniel not to move during the confrontation and Daniel having High Brotherhood (≥ 2).

  • Effects on Daniel
    • Daniel's Morality remains unaffected.
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 4 points.
  • Episode 3
    • Daniel will lash out with his power at Sean or Cassidy (if she's present during the final confrontation).
  • Episode 4
    • Finn will not be at the Sacred Hope hospital at the beginning of the episode.
    • Cassidy's letter will take on a sad tone in light of Finn's death (or particularly hostile if Sean lied to her and kissed her).
    • Agent Flores will show Sean a photo of Finn's body inside Merrill's house.
    • Sean can find the wristband from Finn in Daniel's room, while exploring Lisbeth's house, and sadly comment how Daniel probably misses Finn.
  • Episode 5
    • If Sean tells Daniel he kissed Finn, he will add that he wouldn't lie after what happened.

Cassidy's Fate[]

Cassidy was injured

Caused by: Completely denying the heist or agreeing at the last second while pursued by Big Joe.

  • Episode 3
    • Cassidy will be seen unconscious in Merrill's destroyed living room during the ending sequence.
  • Episode 4
    • Cassidy's injuries will be visible in her mug shot.
    • Agent Flores will ask Sean about Cassidy's involvement in the heist.
    • Jacob can mention that Hannah and Penny went to Merrill's when they found out Finn and Cassidy were gone.

Cassidy wasn't injured

Caused by: Agreeing to the heist from the start or agreeing at the last second without being pursued by Big Joe.

  • Episode 3
    • Cassidy will not be seen in the ending sequence.
  • Episode 4
    • Cassidy will not be injured in her mug shot.
    • Agent Flores will not ask Sean about Cassidy.
    • Jacob can mention that Hannah, Cassidy, and Penny went to Merrill's when they found out Finn was gone.



Daniel waited for you in the morning

Caused by: Daniel having High Brotherhood (≥ 0).

  • Episode 3
    • Daniel and Sean will have an additional conversation on the way over to Big Joe's truck.

Daniel didn't wait for you

Caused by: Daniel having Low Brotherhood (< 0).

  • Episode 3
    • Daniel will run ahead of Sean to the truck.
    • Sean can call Daniel, who will then wait and talk. The game still records that he didn't wait.


Daniel did the dishes himself

Caused by: Sean asking for help and Daniel having Low Brotherhood (< 0) or Sean not interacting with Daniel at all.

  • Effects on Daniel if Sean asks for help and Daniel refuses
    • Lowers Daniel's Morality score by 1 point.
    • Daniel's Brotherhood remains unaffected.
  • Effects on Daniel if Sean ignores him
    • Lowers Daniel's Morality score by 1 point.
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
  • Episode 3
    • Daniel will wash the dishes by himself and Sean will lift the water tanks by himself.

Daniel refused your help

Caused by: Sean offering his help and Daniel having Low Brotherhood (< 0).

  • Effects on Daniel
    • Raises Daniel's Morality score by 1 point.
    • Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
  • Note: In this case, Daniel's Brotherhood is impacted by your offer right before his response; therefore, you should technically come up to Daniel with a Brotherhood < -1 if you want him to refuse.
  • Episode 3
    • Daniel will say "No thanks".
    • Sean will have to lift the water tanks by himself.

Daniel had help

Caused by: Sean interacting with Daniel in any way and Daniel having High Brotherhood (≥ 0).

  • Effects on Daniel if Sean offers help and Daniel accepts
    • Raises Daniel's Morality score by 1 point.
    • Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
  • Note: In this case, Daniel's Brotherhood is impacted by your offer right before his response; therefore, you can technically come up to Daniel with a Brotherhood ≥ -1 and he'll let you help.
  • Effects on Daniel if Sean asks for help and Daniel accepts
    • Daniel's Morality remains unaffected.
    • Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
  • Episode 3
    • Sean will help Daniel wash the dishes and Daniel will help him lift the water tanks in return.

Water Tanks[]

Daniel helped Sean carry the water tanks

Caused by: Sean interacting with Daniel in any way and Daniel having High Brotherhood (≥ 0).

  • Effects on Daniel if Sean offers help and Daniel accepts
    • Raises Daniel's Morality score by 1 point.
    • Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
  • Effects on Daniel if Sean asks for help and Daniel accepts
    • Daniel's Morality remains unaffected.
    • Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
  • Episode 3
    • Daniel will use his powers to hold up the water tanks, allowing Sean to carry both of them in a single trip.

Daniel refused to help

Caused by: Sean asking for help and Daniel having Low Brotherhood (< 0).

  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Morality score by 1 point.
    • Daniel's Brotherhood remains unaffected.
  • Episode 3
    • Sean will have to lift the water tanks by himself. He can only carry one at a time.

Daniel wasn't asked to help

Caused by: Sean offering his help and Daniel having Low Brotherhood (< 0) or Sean not interacting with Daniel at all.

  • Effects on Daniel if Sean offers help and Daniel refuses
    • Raises Daniel's Morality score by 1 point.
    • Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
  • Effects on Daniel if Sean ignores him
    • Lowers Daniel's Morality score by 1 point.
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
  • Episode 3
    • Sean will have to lift the water tanks by himself. He can only carry one at a time.

Daniel's Anger[]

Daniel talked with Sean about his anger
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Affects Daniel's Morality:
      • Raising the score by 1 point if Sean is sober.
      • Lowering the score by 1 point if Sean is intoxicated.
    • Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 4 points.
  • Episode 3
    • Daniel tells Sean about the resentment building up inside of him.
    • Sean can express his sympathy if Daniel shared a bad memory.
    • Daniel tells Sean that he still likes the watch, but it's too small for him now.

Daniel went to sleep alone
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Morality score by 1 point.
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 3 points.
  • Episode 3
    • Daniel doesn't tell Sean about the resentment building up inside of him.
    • Sean can't apologize if Daniel shared a bad memory.
    • Daniel won't tell Sean that he still likes the watch.

Daniel's Power[]

Daniel used his power, got injured and lashed out

Caused by: Sean asking Daniel to use his power during the confrontation.

  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Morality score by 2 points.
    • Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 3 points.
  • Episode 3
    • Daniel uses his power to throw Merrill (and Big Joe) backwards, but Merrill still shoots him in the shoulder.
    • In a rush of emotions, Daniel throws Sean and Finn (and in some scenarios Cassidy) away from him and destroys the room.
  • Episode 4
    • Jacob will mention Daniel's injury.

Daniel disobeyed, used his power and got injured

Caused by: Sean asking Daniel not to move during the confrontation and Daniel having Low Brotherhood (< 2).

  • Effects on Daniel
    • Raises Daniel's Morality score by 1 point.
    • Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
  • Episode 3
    • Daniel uses his power to throw Merrill (and Big Joe) backwards, but Merrill still shoots him in the shoulder.
    • In a rush of emotions, Daniel throws Sean and Finn (and in some scenarios Cassidy) away from him and destroys the room.
  • Episode 4
    • Jacob will mention Daniel's injury.

Daniel stayed put but lashed out after Finn died

Caused by: Sean asking Daniel not to move during the confrontation and Daniel having High Brotherhood (≥ 2).

  • Effects on Daniel
    • Daniel's Morality remains unaffected.
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 4 points.
  • Episode 3
    • Daniel obeys Sean and watches as Merrill kills Finn.
    • In a fit of rage, Daniel throws Merrill (and Big Joe) backwards. Daniel will blame Sean or Cassidy for Finn's death and destroy the room.
  • Episode 4
    • Jacob will mention that Daniel was in shock.

Finn was shot dead and Daniel lashed out at Sean
  • Prerequisites: Go to the heist with Daniel and Finn, steal a vehicle undetected, get inside Merrill's residence without breaking the door open or being seen by cameras, open the safe, take the gun, and use the gun on Merrill.
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Morality score by 4 points.
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 3 points.
  • Episode 3
    • Sean takes out the gun and shoots Merrill. From the floor, Merrill cocks his gun at Finn and kills him.
    • In a fit of rage, Daniel throws Merrill backwards and destroys the room.
  • Episode 4
    • Jacob will mention that Daniel was in shock.


Knife-Throwing Quarrel[]

Tell Daniel he's too young to be playing with knives
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
  • Episode 3
    • Daniel only gets annoyed at Sean's strictness.

Ask Daniel how he's so good at throwing knives
  • Episode 3
    • Sean sarcastically admires Daniel and mentions the latter is bad at baseball.
    • High Morality (≥ 0): Daniel only responds that it comes with practice.
    • Low Morality (< 0): Daniel gets irritated and retorts that Sean is the one who can't play baseball.

The Brothers at Work[]

Be kind towards Daniel
  • Episode 3
    • After Daniel says he feels like he's in prison, Sean can sympathize with his complaints, saying it's just their job at the moment.

      Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.

    • After Daniel accidentally cuts himself with scissors, Sean can advise Daniel to slow down and reassure him that he's doing a good job.

      Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.

Be strict towards Daniel
  • Episode 3
    • After Daniel says he feels like he's in prison, Sean can dismiss his complaints, ordering him to be silent instead.

      Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.

    • After Daniel accidentally cuts himself with scissors, Sean can yell at Daniel to focus.

      Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.

Drawing of the Drifters[]

Draw Cassidy
  • Episode 3
    • Raises Cassidy's Romance score by 1 point.
    • Sean draws Cassidy as she plays on her guitar.
    • Cassidy will comment that she looks happy and likes how Sean sees her.
    • If Sean says that he gets inspired by the people around him, the talk will be centered around Cassidy.
    • Guarantees that Cassidy will be more open about her past in the subsequent conversation.

Draw Finn
  • Episode 3
    • Raises Finn's Romance score by 1 point.
    • Sean draws Finn as he sits under a tree.
    • Cassidy will comment that Finn would love the drawing and that it's not weird at all.
    • If Sean says that he gets inspired by the people around him, the two will talk about Finn.
    • In the subsequent conversation, Cassidy will vaguely mention "all the crap she left behind" unless Sean says "People like you." and "Don't miss anything?".

Team Howl[]

Daniel accepts the team howl

Caused by: Daniel having High Brotherhood (≥ 1).

  • Episode 3
    • Sean initiates the brothers' team howl before training.
    • Daniel complies and joins him, then notes they still sound fine.

Daniel rejects the team howl

Caused by: Daniel having Low Brotherhood (< 1).

  • Episode 3
    • Sean initiates the brothers' team howl before training.
    • Daniel gets slightly irritated and tells Sean not to waste time.

Daniel isn't asked to join any howls
  • Episode 3
    • Sean doesn't do the brothers' howl before training.

Finn's Joint[]

Accept the joint
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
  • Episode 3
    • Raises Sean's Intoxication score by 3 points.
    • Sean takes the joint from Finn and smokes it for a moment.
    • Daniel attempts to grab it, but Sean doesn't let him, causing Daniel to become irritated by Sean's unfairness.

Refuse the joint
  • Episode 3
    • Sean kindly refuses the smoke.
    • Daniel attempts to grab it from Finn, but Sean doesn't let him, to which Daniel responds that he was only joking.

Education Events[]

Sean's Events - Episode Three[]

  • After chatting with Cassidy at the campsite, Sean will chide himself for being shy if their romance is high. Otherwise, he'll simply admire Cassidy's social skills.
  • At the campfire, if Sean and Finn's romance is low, Finn and Hannah will have sex. If Sean and Finn's romance is high, Finn will say he is too tired.
  • If Finn's romance score is higher than Cassidy's, Sean can dreamily think about hoping to meet Finn again during the campsite party.
  • If Cassidy's romance score is higher than or equal to Finn's, Sean can dreamily think about never having met anyone like her during the campsite party.
  • If Finn doesn't reveal his feelings to Sean, his lines will depend on the romance scores and Daniel's current brotherhood score.
  • If Sean refuses to get a tattoo, Cassidy will compliment Sean's current appearance in different ways based on their romance score. Note that Sean's refusal has already impacted the score when she makes the comment.

Daniel's Events - Episode Three[]

  • If Sean asks Daniel during their argument at the lake if he's a bad big brother while his romance score with Cassidy is high and greater than with Finn, Daniel will point out with bitterness how Sean spends a lot of time with her.

Episode Four - "Faith"[]


Vision Tests[]

You passed both vision tests
  • Episode 4
    • Sean does perfectly to Joey's delight.

You passed one of the tests
  • Episode 4
    • Sean does okay with one test.
    • Joey tells Sean he can't rig the exam.

You failed both vision tests
  • Episode 4
    • Sean doesn't do good at all.
    • Joey tells Sean he can't rig the exam.

The Robbery[]

You told Agent Flores the robbery was Finn's idea
  • Episode 4
    • Agent Flores will readily accept Sean's statement and move on to the next question.
  • Episode 5
    • Finn won't be able to appear in the Parting Ways ending, even if he's romanced, alive, and forgiven.

You told Agent Flores the robbery was your idea
  • Episode 4
    • Agent Flores can't believe it and asks if Finn was his partner in crime.
  • Episode 5
    • Finn can appear in the Parting Ways ending if he's romanced, alive, and forgiven.

You told Agent Flores the robbery was everyone's choice
  • Episode 4
    • Agent Flores asks if Finn was his partner in crime.
  • Episode 5
    • Finn can appear in the Parting Ways ending if he's romanced, alive, and forgiven.

Escaping the Hospital[]

You escaped the hospital without hurting anyone

Caused by: Obtaining a grab bar in the bathroom, breaking the window safety, looking at the scaffolding and choosing to go out.

  • Episode 4
    • Sean climbs out the window onto the construction scaffolding, then carefully gathering his things from the staff room without waking the guard in the hallway, and escapes the hospital unnoticed.

You convinced Joey to help you escape
  • Prerequisites
    • While Joey cleans up Sean's eye, Sean has to respond "So positive."
    • Sean has to call Joey and choose the following dialogue options:
      • "I know where Daniel is."
      • "I'm scared."
      • "I'm sorry."
  • Episode 4
    • Joey will ask Sean to hit him on his own terms, to give the impression that Sean attacked Joey to escape. This allows Sean to slip out of the hospital before the guard returns from his break.

You attacked Joey to escape the hospital

Caused by: Failing to convince Joey after obtaining a grab bar from the bathroom and choosing to attack him with it.

  • Episode 4
    • Sean is shocked by his actions and immediately feels guilty.
    • He will write in his sketchbook he won't forgive himself and he's able to stab a friend in the back to save himself.

You attacked the guard to escape the hospital

Caused by: Obtaining a grab bar in the bathroom, closing the curtain, making a fake body from the sheets and choosing to ambush the guard.

  • Episode 4
    • Sean ambushes the guard and knocks him out.
    • Sean writes in his sketchbook about how he hated to be called a "cop killer" by the guard and how he may be giving more reasons for the police to be against him.


Finn wasn't at the hospital

Caused by: Finn being killed at the farm.

  • Episode 4
    • During his escape, Sean will see Merrill laying asleep or unconscious in the same hospital room Finn would be in if he were alive. Sean will comment that he must be in pretty bad shape but remark, "I'm not going to cry for you, asshole," before slipping away.
    • Unlike Finn, Sean does not have the option of waking Merrill up. The situation plays out similarly to if Sean chose to escape instead of wake Finn.
  • Episode 5
    • Finn is already guaranteed not to appear in the Parting Ways ending.

You didn't talk to Finn

Caused by: Finn surviving at the farm.

  • Episode 4
    • Sean will see Finn laying asleep in the hospital room but leave without waking him.
  • Episode 5
    • Finn won't be able to appear in the Parting Ways ending, even if Sean romanced him and protected him from getting sentenced.

You talked to Finn and blamed him for what happened in Humboldt

Caused by: Finn surviving at the farm.

  • Episode 4
    • Sean will see Finn laying asleep in the hospital room and wake him up.
    • Sean will tell Finn off and either say that he has it too easy by saying sorry, or was being too selfish.
    • Sean will mention meeting Finn in his sketchbook and how it brought back conflicting memories.
  • Episode 5
    • Finn won't be able to appear in the Parting Ways ending, even if Sean romanced him and protected him from getting sentenced.

You talked to Finn and forgave him for what happened

Caused by: Finn surviving at the farm.

  • Episode 4
    • Sean will see Finn laying asleep in the hospital room and wake him up.
    • Sean doesn't blame Finn for the heist, and Finn says he will trust Sean.
    • If Finn was romanced, he will confess how much he loves Sean, and both of them will express the hope to meet again.
    • Sean will mention meeting Finn in his sketchbook and how it brought back conflicting memories.
  • Episode 5
    • Finn can appear in the Parting Ways ending if Sean romanced him and protected him from getting sentenced.

Daniel's Toy[]

You broke Daniel's toy while taking it back from Chad
  • Episode 4
    • Depending on the toys from Episode 1 or 2, Chad will break the Chibi Power Bear or the drawing tablet.
    • Sean will have a bruise to his right eye.
    • If Anton drives him to Haven point, he will ask Sean what happened to him.
    • Robert Hackerman will ask Sean if he's alright upon greeting him.

You didn't try to take the toy back and didn't break it
  • Episode 4
    • No toy will be broken.
    • Sean won't be injured, unless he's asked to sing and refuses.
    • If Sean also lets Chad humiliate him:
      • Anton will only ask Sean about his eye.
      • Robert Hackerman will greet Sean without asking if he's alright.
    • If he doesn't, the two men later will comment on his injuries.

Singing to Chad[]

You sang the song in Spanish
  • Episode 4
    • Sean is allowed to leave without further injury but is left feeling upset and humiliated.
    • If Sean also didn't try to take Daniel's toy back:
      • Anton will only ask Sean about his eye if he drives him to Haven Point.
      • Robert Hackerman will greet Sean without asking if he's alright.
    • If he did, the two men later will comment on his injury.

You refused to sing and got beat up
  • Episode 4
    • Sean is beaten up by Chad until Mike eventually intervenes and helps Sean escape. Mike tells Sean to drive straight in order to reach the highway and also begs him to forget about what just happened.
    • If Anton drives him to Haven point, he will ask Sean what happened to him.
    • Robert Hackerman will ask Sean if he's alright upon greeting him.
    • If Sean looks in the mirror in the church bathroom, he will comment how the worshippers will freak when they see him.
    • Later, the bruises will be visible when Sean takes a shower in the motel.

You were not asked to sing a song
  • Prerequisites:
    • Sean has to say "This is not my country..." and answer at least one more request of speaking Spanish (without trying to evade the questions or insulting him) in order to appease Chad.
  • Episode 4
    • Sean is allowed to leave without further injury but is left feeling upset and humiliated.
    • If Sean also didn't try to take Daniel's toy back:
      • Anton will only ask Sean about his eye if he drives him to Haven Point.
      • Robert Hackerman will greet Sean without asking if he's alright.
    • If he did, the two men later will comment on his injury.

Anton's Truck[]

You got into Anton's truck to reach Haven Point
  • Episode 4
    • Sean will be refreshed and walk at a normal pace upon reaching Haven Point.
    • Sean can eat Anton's sandwich.

You didn't get into the truck and walked to Haven Point
  • Episode 4
    • Sean will be exhausted, sunburnt and hungry on his arrival at Haven Point, wishing he went in the truck instead of walking.

Donation to the Church[]

You gave money to the Church
  • Episode 4
    • Sean will put $1 into the donation box.
    • Sean will say he paid for the pin if he chooses to take it.

You didn't give money to the Church
  • Episode 4
    • Sean will say that he's a charity case if he chooses to take a pin.

Speaking to Karen[]

No matter which approach Sean chooses, Karen will tell Daniel how grateful she is that Sean listened to her.

You cut the conversation short with Karen

Caused by: Sean saying "I don't care" outside the motel.

  • Episode 4
    • Sean refuses to talk and doesn't ask questions outside.
    • Karen won't offer to clean up his wound.
  • Episode 5
    • Lowers Karen's Bond score by 7 points, regardless of the Resentment value.
    • Sean may or may not draw Karen on a sketchbook page dedicated to her, depending on how much resentment his other dialogue choices carry.

You were hard on Karen during the conversation

Caused by: Sean asking about anything outside and having High Resentment (≥ 6) after the entire conversation.

Choices that intensify Sean's resentment towards Karen:

  • If you ask Karen why she left, tell her that she dumped her family or that Esteban was better than her. (+1)
  • If you ask Karen what she's doing in Nevada, tell her that you don't need any help from her. (+1)
  • If you don't ask Karen any questions inside the motel room, accuse her of leaving everyone overnight. (+1)
  • Before leaving the room, yell at Karen that "it's too fucking late" for apologies. (+2)
    • Eventually, say that you're not sorry and that the family was fine without her. (+1)
  • If you ask Karen whether she missed you, tell her that it's her loss. (+1)
  • If you ask Karen what she did while away, tell her that she sounds immature or mock her as if she tried to sound inspiring. (+1)
  • If you ask Karen why she ghosted everyone, tell her that it's a good thing she didn't contact anyone. (+1)
  • When Karen gets out a cigarette, choose to head back inside immediately. (+1)
  • Tell Karen that you don't trust her. (+1)

  • Episode 4
    • Sean asks questions but reacts negatively to most of Karen's answers or straight-up tells her off.
    • Karen won't offer to clean up his wound.
  • Episode 5
    • Sets up Karen's Bond score based on the additive inverse of the Resentment value.
      • For example: if Resentment = 9, Karen's Bond at the start of the episode will = -9.
    • Guarantees that Sean will not draw Karen on a sketchbook page dedicated to her.

Overall, you tried to let Karen open up to you

Caused by: Sean asking about anything outside and having Low Resentment (< 6) after the entire conversation.

Choices that keep Sean's resentment towards Karen moderate:

  • If you ask Karen whether she missed you, tell her that you used to do so much together. (-1)
  • Every other choice that lets Karen open up keeps Sean's resentment unaffected. (0)

  • Episode 4
    • Sean asks questions and reacts neutrally/positively to most of Karen's answers.
    • Karen will offer to clean up his wound.
  • Episode 5
    • Sets up Karen's Bond score based on the additive inverse of the Resentment value.
      • For example: if Resentment = -1, Karen's Bond at the start of the episode will = 1.
    • Sean may or may not draw Karen on a sketchbook page dedicated to her, depending on whether and how much resentment his dialogue choices carry.

Smoking with Karen[]

You smoked a cigarette with Karen
  • Episode 4
    • Karen will tell Sean that Esteban hated that she smoked.
    • Sean has a Moment of Calm.
    • Sean will have Karen's box of cigarettes in his inventory and claim that she offered it to him as a peace offering.

You stayed outside with Karen when she smoked
  • Episode 4
    • Karen will tell Sean that Esteban hated that she smoked.
    • Sean has a Moment of Calm.

You didn't stay outside with Karen
  • Episode 4
    • Raises Sean's Resentment score by 1 point.
    • Sean will tell Karen that his wound hurts before leaving her outside.
    • The Moment of Calm is skipped.

Karen's Offer[]

You accepted Karen's help to clean up your wound

Caused by: Sean asking about anything outside and having Low Resentment (< 6) after the entire conversation.

  • Episode 4
    • Sean will agree to tell her about the accident later.
    • Karen tearfully cleans up Sean's wound in silence.

You refused Karen's help

Caused by: Sean asking about anything outside and having Low Resentment (< 6) after the entire conversation.

  • Episode 4
    • Sean will refuse to tell her about the accident.
    • Karen tearfully watches on as Sean cleans up his wound.

Karen didn't offer her help

Caused by: Sean saying "I don't care" outside the motel, or asking about anything outside and having High Resentment (≥ 6) after the entire conversation.

  • Episode 4
    • Sean will refuse to tell her about the accident.
    • Karen tearfully watches on as Sean cleans up his wound.

Alerting Nicholas[]

You got Nicholas suspicious when sneaking into Haven Point

Caused by: Talking to the church members outside and either choosing the wrong dialogue options or walking off too soon.

  • Episode 4
    • Nicholas is aware of Sean and Jacob's presence and only Karen's distraction can possibly save them.

Nicholas was unaware of your presence

Caused by: Completely avoiding the church members outside (path to the right, behind a house) or choosing the correct dialogue options:

  • For Derek: saying you just met Jacob, then talking about Daniel; or saying nothing, then pretending to be someone called Mark.
  • For Helen: saying nothing.
  • Episode 4
    • Nicholas will not be suspicious upon arriving at Lisbeth's house. He will simply exit after putting a file in the cabinet, unless Sean has left traces of his presence in Lisbeth's office.


You shared your money with Jacob
  • Episode 4
    • Jacob will try to refuse the money at first offer but Sean insists that he have it to pay for his little sister's medical bills. Jacob finally accepts and is very grateful to Sean.
  • Episode 5
    • Jacob writes a letter to Sean, explaining that he used the money to pay a month's rent in advance for a nice room in a coastal beach town, and that Sarah Lee is doing better with antibiotics.
    • On their way to the border, Sean can optionally reassure Daniel that, even if they don't have much, they will figure everything out.

You didn't give any money to Jacob
  • Episode 4
    • Sean will tell Jacob that his sister will receive better medical care in a hospital.
  • Episode 5
    • Jacob writes a letter to Sean, explaining that he used the his savings to buy antibiotics, and that Sarah Lee is doing much better now.
    • On their way to the border, Sean can optionally reassure Daniel that they have some cash.

Hiding from Nicholas[]

You got caught by Nicholas

Caused by: Failing to hide in Lisbeth's office, raising any suspicion and rejecting Karen's help, or raising too much suspicion in general.

  • Note: Sean can raise suspicion by:
    • Talking to the church members outside and either choosing the wrong dialogue options or walking off too soon.
    • Breaking the door to Lisbeth's office.
    • Not locking the office door back if he used the key.
    • Leaving the cabinet open.
  • Episode 4
    • Sean can't gain any more info from Lisbeth's house.
    • Nicholas will bring Sean into the church. Karen will come a few seconds later.
    • Nicholas is present during the entire confrontation.

You managed to hide from Nicholas

Caused by: Successfully hiding in Lisbeth's office (under the desk or in the closet) and not raising any suspicion in general, or raising some suspicion and accepting Karen's help.

  • Note: Sean can avoid suspicion by:
    • Completely avoiding the church members outside (path to the right, behind a house) or choosing the correct dialogue options:
      • For Derek: saying you just met Jacob, then talking about Daniel; or saying nothing, then pretending to be someone called Mark.
      • For Helen: saying nothing.
    • Finding the key in Lisbeth's bedroom instead of breaking the door to her office.
    • Locking the office door back with the key.
    • Closing the cabinet.
  • Episode 4
    • Sean can keep on looking for more clues in the office.
    • Sean and Karen meet up in front of the church and walk in together on Lisbeth and Daniel.
    • Nicholas will enter the church a little while after Sean and Karen.

Lisbeth's Fate[]

You shot Lisbeth while Daniel wasn't hurting her

Caused by: Daniel having High Morality (≥ -5).

  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Morality score by 4 points.
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 3 points.
  • Episode 4
    • Daniel makes no attempt to hurt Lisbeth; she is shot and killed by Sean instead.
    • Karen and Daniel are bewildered by Sean killing Lisbeth.
    • Nicholas escapes the burning church alone.
  • Episode 5
    • Daniel says he's no longer having nightmares about Lisbeth. The brothers talk about what Sean did.
      • High Morality (≥ -5): Daniel wonders if they could've changed Lisbeth's mind.
      • Low Morality (< -5): Daniel doesn't feel bad about Lisbeth's death.
      • Note: If Daniel's morality isn't far above -5, his attitude will change, and he will say the Low Morality lines.
    • Karen acts troubled and genuinely determined to help the brothers and their goal.
    • The newspaper mentions that Karen, Sean, and Daniel are wanted by the police and FBI for a murder.
    • Karen gives Daniel a sweet goodbye (since he's not the one who killed Lisbeth).
    • Officer Campbell mentions Lisbeth's death while interrogating Sean.

You let Daniel unleash his power on Lisbeth while he was hurting her

Caused by: Daniel having Low Morality (< -5), eventually Low Morality (< -5) and Low Brotherhood (< 13).

  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Morality score:
      • By 5 points if Sean doesn't try to stop him.
      • By 2 points if Sean tries to stop him but fails.
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 2 points.
  • Note: Episode 5 provides more than enough choices to reverse this outcome's effect on Daniel's mentality; therefore, ending the game with High Morality remains possible if the value isn't too low.
  • Episode 4
    • Daniel uses his abilities to attack Lisbeth with the intention of ending her life.
      • Sean can choose not to intervene.
      • Low Brotherhood (< 13): Sean can try to persuade Daniel not to harm Lisbeth, but he will fail and, eventually, give up.
    • In fury, Daniel kills Lisbeth with his powers, breaking her neck.
    • Karen is horrified by Daniel murdering Lisbeth.
    • Nicholas escapes the burning church alone.
  • Episode 5
    • Daniel feels a bit troubled about what he did in his rage. He tells Sean he's no longer having dreams about it and asks if it's bad that he doesn't really regret it.
      • High Brotherhood (≥ 7): Daniel expresses remorse that he let Lisbeth turn him against Sean.
      • Low Brotherhood (< 7): Daniel asserts that no one can tell him how to use the power.
    • Karen acts troubled and genuinely determined to help the brothers and their goal.
    • The newspaper mentions that Karen, Sean, and Daniel are wanted by the police and FBI for a murder.
    • Karen's goodbye to Daniel takes on a more melancholic and advisory tone.
    • Officer Campbell mentions Lisbeth's death while interrogating Sean.

You and Daniel both spared Lisbeth's life

Caused by: Daniel having High Morality (≥ -5) or Low Morality (< -5) and High Brotherhood (≥ 13).

  • Effects on Daniel
    • Raises Daniel's Morality score by 4 points, regardless of his attitude.
  • Episode 4
    • High Morality (≥ -5): Daniel makes no attempt to hurt Lisbeth, and Sean asks him to push her aside.
    • Low Morality (< -5): Daniel uses his abilities to attack Lisbeth with the intention of ending her life.
      • High Brotherhood (≥ 13): Sean successfully persuades Daniel to let Lisbeth go.
    • Lisbeth escapes the burning church with Nicholas.
  • Episode 5
    • Daniel is still having nightmares and dealing with the post-cult trauma. He tells Sean that he's anxious about Lisbeth potentially coming after him.
      • High Morality (≥ -5): Daniel simply mentions he's creeped out by the fact she's still out there.
      • Low Morality (< -5): Daniel admits that he would still want her to be gone.
      • Note: If Daniel is persuaded not to hurt Lisbeth and his morality isn't far below -5, his attitude will change, and he will say the High Morality line.
    • Karen is warm and genuinely supportive of the brothers and their goal.
    • The newspaper mentions that Karen, Sean, and Daniel are wanted by the police and FBI for causing a fire.
    • Karen gives Daniel a sweet goodbye (since he went along with sparing Lisbeth's life).
    • Officer Campbell mentions the fire while interrogating Sean.

You shot Lisbeth while Daniel was hurting her

Caused by: Daniel having Low Morality (< -5) and Low Brotherhood (< 13).

  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Morality score by 4 points.
    • Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 2 points.
  • Episode 4
    • Daniel uses his abilities to attack Lisbeth with the intention of ending her life. Sean tries to persuade Daniel not to harm Lisbeth but fails; she is shot and killed by Sean before Daniel is able to kill her.
    • Karen and Daniel are bewildered by Sean killing Lisbeth.
    • Nicholas escapes the burning church alone.
  • Episode 5
    • Daniel says he's no longer having nightmares about Lisbeth. The brothers talk about what Sean did.
      • Daniel is guaranteed not to feel bad about Lisbeth's death.
    • Karen acts troubled and genuinely determined to help the brothers and their goal.
    • The newspaper mentions that Karen, Sean, and Daniel are wanted by the police and FBI for a murder.
    • Karen gives Daniel a sweet goodbye (since he's not the one who killed Lisbeth).
    • Officer Campbell mentions Lisbeth's death while interrogating Sean.


Sean's Faith[]

Sean is religious upon arriving at Haven Point
  • Prerequisites:
    • In Episode 2, Sean has to tell Daniel Mushroom is in heaven with Esteban, then agree to pray with Claire and Daniel.
  • Episode 4
    • Sean is more optimistic about the church and genuinely approving of the faithful people there before seeing Daniel.

Sean isn't religious upon arriving at Haven Point
  • Prerequisites:
    • In Episode 2, Sean has to either tell Daniel heaven isn't real, or say it is but refuse to pray with Claire and Daniel.
  • Episode 4
    • Sean notices more foreboding things about the church from the start and is more skeptical of the community.

Sean is religious after facing Lisbeth at Haven Point
  • Prerequisite:
    • When Lisbeth asks about his faith, Sean has to respond "Kind of".
  • Episode 4
    • Sean either starts to believe from now on or continues to have faith.
    • If Sean sees the Bible at the motel, he believes he should finish reading it someday.

Sean isn't religious after facing Lisbeth at Haven Point
  • Prerequisite:
    • When Lisbeth asks about his faith, Sean has to respond "Not really".
  • Episode 4
    • Sean either stops believing or continues not to have faith.
    • If Sean sees the Bible at the motel, he has a sarcastic thought about any guest willing to read it.


Daniel notices Sean's hurt eye and apologizes for it.

Tell Daniel it's not his fault
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Raises Daniel's Morality score by 2 points.
    • Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 2 points.
  • Episode 4
    • Sean says he doesn't blame Daniel at all.

Tell Daniel it's all in the past
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Raises Daniel's Morality score by 1 point.
    • Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
  • Episode 4
    • Sean says it's important to focus on the present.

Tell Daniel he was warned
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Morality score by 2 points.
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 2 points.
  • Episode 4
    • Sean says he warned Daniel and now they know what can happen.

Karen's Plan[]

Accept Karen's plan
  • Episode 4
    • Karen sets one of the community's buildings on fire. Upon leaving the house, Jacob will comment that Karen is hardcore.
    • Karen can contribute her help, even if Sean does everything perfectly and doesn't raise any suspicion at all.
    • If Sean got Nicholas suspicious by leaving some/regular traces, she'll manage to save them from being caught in time.
    • If Sean got Nicholas suspicious by leaving too many/severe traces, Karen's help will turn futile as Nicholas will quickly find Sean in his hiding spot.

Reject Karen's plan
  • Episode 4
    • Sean dismisses the plan, saying it could be too dangerous. Karen asks to be extremely careful.
    • Sean can avoid being caught only if he did everything perfectly and didn't raise any suspicion.
    • If Sean left at least one trace of his presence and got Nicholas suspicious in any way, he will be caught.

Episode Five - "Wolves"[]


Final Choice[]

You decided to force the road block and Daniel accepted

Caused by: Sean choosing to cross the border and Daniel having Low Morality (< -5) during the game's finale.

  • Episode 5
    • Blood Brothers Ending:
      • Sean and Daniel agree to cross the border. Daniel attacks the police, hurting (and presumably killing) many of them, which allows both brothers to make it to Mexico.
      • Sean and Daniel stay together, settle down in Puerto Lobos, and set up a garage, using Daniel's powers to protect themselves against any potential criminals.

You decided to force the road block and Daniel refused

Caused by: Sean choosing to cross the border and Daniel having High Morality (≥ -5) during the game's finale.

  • Episode 5
    • Parting Ways Ending:
      • Daniel reluctantly helps Sean cross the border but jumps out of the car at the last moment, leaving himself to be arrested and Sean in Mexico alone.
      • Daniel isn't charged due to his age, but he's monitored by the authorities. He's raised in Beaver Creek by his grandparents and remains in some basic contact with Sean.
      • Cassidy or Finn may join Sean in Mexico.

You decided to surrender to the police and Daniel accepted

Caused by: Sean choosing to surrender and Daniel having High Morality (≥ -5) during the game's finale.

  • Episode 5
    • Redemption Ending:
      • Sean and Daniel agree to surrender to the police and are both arrested.
      • Daniel isn't charged due to his age and gets to be raised without any repercussions in Beaver Creek by his grandparents.
      • Sean is jailed for 15 years and is warmly welcomed by Daniel, Karen, and (optionally) Lyla upon release. The brothers can see each other freely but go separate ways because of their different lives.

You decided to surrender to the police and Daniel refused

Caused by: Sean choosing to surrender and Daniel having Low Morality (< -5) during the game's finale.

  • Episode 5
    • Lone Wolf Ending:
      • Daniel uses his powers to force the car across the border against Sean's wishes. The fiasco ends with Sean getting shot and killed, leaving Daniel all alone on the other side.
      • Daniel grows up in Mexico, using his powers to commit crimes, defend himself, and keep surviving on his own.

Daniel's Education[]

Overall, you taught Daniel to do his best to follow the rules of society

Caused by: Daniel having High Morality (≥ -5) during the game's finale.

Choices and situations that raise Daniel's Morality/keep it high:

Episode 1:

  • Question Daniel before the accident in Seattle. (0)
  • Don't steal anything in the parking lot. (0)
  • Don't steal anything from the gas station. (0)
  • Run away from the gas station without harming Hank. (+4)
  • Tell Daniel that you'll try to be honest. (+1)

Episode 2:

  • Call Daniel out for cheating during the first dice game. (+2)
  • Step forward when Daniel lifts the cougar. (0)
  • Stop Daniel when he makes the dishes float at breakfast behind Claire's back. (+1)
  • Tell Daniel it's important to learn. (+1)
  • Low Morality (< 0): If Daniel refuses/isn't asked to tidy the room, leave it like that. (+1)
  • Remind Daniel of the rules when he saves Chris at the treehouse. (+2)
  • Tell Daniel to stop lying to Chris about his power. (+2)
  • Don't prank Nick at the Christmas Market. (+2)
  • Find the key to open Karen's door. (0)
  • Repress Daniel from using his power (dependent on Chris' fate):
    • Chris is fine because he was told the truth. (+5)
    • Chris gets hit by a police car because he wasn't told the truth. (+2)

Episode 3:

  • Intervene when Big Joe slaps Cassidy. (+1)
  • Offer Daniel your help with the dishes (regardless of his reaction). (+1)
  • Stay sober at the campfire and go to bed with Daniel. (+1)
  • Stand up for Daniel when he hits Big Joe. (+2)
  • Disagree to the heist at the campsite:
    • Stand by your opinion in Merrill's kitchen. (+4)
    • Change your mind in Merrill's kitchen. (+2)
  • Steal Big Joe's truck with Cassidy. (0)
  • Ask Daniel not to move during the final confrontation:
    • Daniel disobeys. (+1)
    • Daniel obeys. (0)

Episode 4:

  • Be understanding when Daniel apologizes for the eye:
    • Tell Daniel it's not his fault. (+2)
    • Tell Daniel it's all in the past. (+1)
  • Successfully spare Lisbeth's life (regardless of Daniel's attitude). (+4)

Episode 5:

  • Give Daniel "conventional" responses while discussing Lisbeth:
    • If Daniel killed Lisbeth, say "It is bad..." to make him ponder about what he did. (+1)
    • If Sean killed Lisbeth, respond "Yes." to Daniel's question about feeling bad. (+1)
    • If Lisbeth was spared, say "She's scared." (0)
  • Admit to Daniel that you sort of are criminals. (+1)
  • Reprimand Daniel for messing with the scorpion. (+1)
  • Mention how Esteban raised you and Daniel when Karen shares her advice at breakfast. (+2)
  • Ask Daniel to free Carla and Diego. (+1)
  • Ask Daniel to free the vigilantes. (+1)
  • Deal with the officers in a less violent way while escaping the police station:
    • Ask Daniel to lock the officers up in a closet. (+1)
    • Ask Daniel to throw a locker at the officers. (0)

  • Episode 5
    • Daniel ends the game with High Morality, meaning that:
      • He prefers to surrender at the border and go back to society.
      • His and Sean's conversation in the car before the final decision feels like a goodbye. Daniel is uncertain of what to do, while Sean says he's proud of Daniel for how much he learned.
      • He agrees if Sean chooses to surrender. He sadly watches as Sean gets arrested and taken away, then he's sent to live with Claire and Stephen without any repercussions.
      • He refuses if Sean chooses to cross the border. He jumps out of the car after he's forced to destroy the station, and he gets to live with Claire and Stephen while at the same time being monitored.
      • Sean and Daniel get separated no matter the choice, either temporarily (Redemption) or most likely permanently (Parting Ways).
      • Daniel never makes it to Puerto Lobos.

Overall, you taught Daniel to put himself and his brother first

Caused by: Daniel having Low Morality (< -5) during the game's finale.

Choices and situations that reduce Daniel's Morality/keep it low:

Episode 1:

  • Confront Brett before the accident in Seattle. (-1)
  • Steal in the parking lot. (-3)
  • Steal from the gas station. (-4)
  • Have Daniel distract Doris at the gas station. (-2)
  • Hit Hank and steal the camping gear before running away from the gas station. (0)
  • Have Daniel steal a toy from Brody. (-1)
  • Promise Daniel that you won't lie to him. (0)

Episode 2:

  • Throw the snowball at Mushroom in general. (-1)
  • Don't call Daniel out for cheating during the first dice game. (-2)
  • Don't intervene when Daniel lifts the cougar. (-4)
  • Don't stop Daniel when he makes the dishes float at breakfast behind Claire's back:
    • Choose in the prompt to say nothing. (-2)
    • Run out of time to respond. (0)
  • Tell Daniel he doesn't have to learn. (-1)
  • Low Morality (< 0): If Daniel refuses/isn't asked to tidy the room, clean it yourself. (-1)
  • Concede to Daniel when he saves Chris at the treehouse. (-1)
  • Tell Daniel to protect the secret. (-4)
  • Prank Nick at the Christmas Market. (-3)
  • Use Daniel's power to blast open Karen's door. (-2)
  • Encourage Daniel to use his power (regardless of how things go with Chris). (-1)

Episode 3:

  • Be strict when Daniel mentions Karen. (-1)
  • Don't intervene when Big Joe slaps Cassidy. (0)
  • Don't voluntarily offer Daniel your help with the dishes:
    • Ignore Daniel completely, or have him refuse to help you when asked. (-1)
    • Have Daniel accept to help you when asked. (0)
  • Get wasted at the campfire and/or stay there to get a haircut. (-1)
  • Let Finn stand up for Daniel when he hits Big Joe. (-2)
  • Agree to the heist at the campsite. (-4)
  • Steal Big Joe's truck with Finn and Daniel:
    • Use Daniel's power on any vehicle. (-2)
    • Don't use Daniel's power on any vehicle. (-1)
  • Take the gun from Merrill's safe if you agreed to the heist from the start. (-2)
  • Perform a violent action during the final confrontation:
    • Use the gun on Merrill. (-4)
    • Ask Daniel to use his power. (-2)

Episode 4:

  • When Daniel apologizes for the eye, tell him he was warned. (-2)
  • Have one of the brothers kill Lisbeth:
    • Daniel ends up killing her:
      • Sean chooses not to intervene at all. (-5)
      • Sean tries to stop Daniel but fails and gives up. (-2)
    • Sean ends up killing her (regardless of Daniel's attitude). (-4)

Episode 5:

  • Give Daniel "firm" responses while discussing Lisbeth:
    • If Daniel killed Lisbeth, say "Her or us." to go easy on him after what he did. (-1)
    • If Sean killed Lisbeth:
      • Say "Her or us." to make Daniel care less about what happened. (-1)
      • Respond "No." to Daniel's question about feeling bad. (-1)
    • If Lisbeth was spared, say "She's lucky." (-1)
  • Refuse to consider yourselves criminals. (-2)
  • Don't reprimand Daniel for messing with the scorpion. (-1)
  • Say that you and Daniel will do anything to survive when Karen shares her advice at breakfast. (-2)
  • Ask Daniel to take revenge on the vigilantes:
    • Daniel accepts. (-2)
    • Daniel refuses. (-1)
  • Have Daniel refuse to kill the officers. (-2)
  • Deal with the officers in a more violent way while escaping from the police station:
    • Have Daniel reluctantly kill the officers. (-4)
    • Have Daniel willingly kill the officers. (-3)
    • Have Daniel intervene when the officers get too close. (-2)

  • Episode 5
    • Daniel ends the game with Low Morality, meaning that:
      • He prefers to cross to Mexico and keep surviving with Sean.
      • His and Sean's conversation in the car before the final decision feels uncertain. Daniel clearly lets Sean know that he wants to go, while Sean admires Daniel for being so strong.
      • He agrees if Sean chooses to cross the border. He gets out of the car to properly get rid of the blockade, then grows up with Sean in Puerto Lobos, using the power to protect them both.
      • He refuses if Sean chooses to surrender. He forces the car through the blockade, leading to Sean's death, so Daniel goes to live in Puerto Lobos alone, using the power to survive.
      • Sean and Daniel get to avoid any kind of separation (Blood Brothers), or Sean ends up dying (Lone Wolf).
      • Daniel makes it to Puerto Lobos.

Treasure Hunt[]

You did the treasure hunt and found the hidden souvenir
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 2 points.
  • Episode 5
    • Daniel is very happy, and Sean can keep the treasure as one of his souvenirs.

You did the treasure hunt but didn't finish the quest
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
  • Episode 5
    • High Brotherhood (≥ 7): Daniel sounds only slightly disappointed.
    • Low Brotherhood (< 7): Daniel sounds very disappointed.
    • Regardless of his response, Daniel appreciates that Sean at least wanted to give the treasure hunt a try.

You refused to do the treasure hunt
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
  • Episode 5
    • High Brotherhood (≥ 7): Daniel sounds only slightly disappointed.
    • Low Brotherhood (< 7): Daniel sounds very disappointed.
    • Note: In this case, Daniel's Brotherhood is impacted by your refusal right before his response; therefore, you should technically enter the scene with a Brotherhood ≥ 8 if you want Daniel not to be too disappointed.

Relationship with Karen[]

You overall got closer to Karen

Caused by: Sean and Karen having High Bond (≥ 5) after leaving Away.

Choices that get Sean closer to Karen:

Episode 4:
  • Ask Karen anything outside the motel and have Low Resentment (< 6) after the entire conversation, having let her open up.
  • Note: The lower the Resentment, the higher the Bond. For example: if Resentment = -1, Karen's Bond at the start of the episode will = 1. Resentment impacts the bond only if you didn't cut the conversation short.
Episode 5:
  • Say that your night in the canyon was amazing once Karen returns from shopping. (+1)
  • Tell her that everyone in the community is cool. (+1)
  • Describe Away as peaceful. (+1)
  • Ask Karen how she found the settlement. (+1)
  • In the canyon's quiet spot, acknowledge how Karen helped you and Daniel. (+2)
    • Eventually, say that it was good to get to know her better. (+1)
  • Offer her to come with you. (+2)
  • At breakfast, respond "thank you" to Karen turning herself in. (+1)
  • While speaking to Karen in front of the car, tell her she may be right. (+1)
  • Hug Karen before leaving. (+3)

  • Episode 5
    • Sean will tell Patrick Campbell not to drag Karen into the situation they're in and that she's a good person.

You overall kept your distances with Karen

Caused by: Sean and Karen having Low Bond (< 5) after leaving Away.

Choices that make Sean keep distances with Karen:

Episode 4:
  • Tell Karen outside the motel that you don't care, cutting the conversation short. (-7)
    • Eventually, ask Karen anything outside and have High Resentment (≥ 6), having been hard on her.
    • Note: The higher the Resentment, the lower the Bond. For example: if Resentment = 9, Karen's Bond at the start of the episode will = -9. Resentment impacts the bond only if you didn't cut the conversation short.
Episode 5:
  • Complain about it being cold in the canyon once Karen returns from shopping. (-1)
  • Tell her that Away is a bit too remote for you. (-1)
  • Describe the community as outcasts. (-1)
  • In the canyon's quiet spot, ask Karen if now she regrets leaving you and Daniel. (-2)
  • At breakfast, mention how Esteban raised you and Daniel to counter what Karen has advised. (-2)
  • While speaking to Karen in front of the car, joke about her not knowing how to be a parent. (-1)
  • Don't hug Karen before leaving. (-4)

  • Episode 5
    • Sean will tell Patrick Campbell to lock up another innocent, as he wouldn't care.

Note to Karen[]

You wrote a caring note to Karen
  • Episode 5
    • In his note, Sean refers to Karen as "Mom" and writes her an affectionate goodbye.

You wrote a conciliating note to Karen
  • Episode 5
    • In his note, Sean refers to Karen as "Mom" or just "Karen" and writes her a friendly and good-natured goodbye.

You wrote a lukewarm note to Karen
  • Episode 5
    • In his note, Sean refers to Karen as just "Karen" and writes her a neutral and reserved goodbye.

You didn't leave a note to Karen
  • Episode 5
    • Sean doesn't leave any more words for Karen.

Arthur and Stanley[]

You said farewell to Arthur and Stanley
  • Episode 5
    • Arthur and Stanley will warmly goodbye Sean before leaving.

You didn't say farewell to Arthur and Stanley
  • Episode 5
    • Sean ignores Arthur and Stanley before leaving.


You said farewell to Joan
  • Episode 5
    • Joan gives Sean a heartfelt goodbye.
    • If Sean helped set up Joan's sculpture, she will give him a wolf figurine to remind him of his inner artist.
      • This figurine will appear in the Blood Brothers and Lone Wolf endings.

You didn't say farewell to Joan
  • Episode 5
    • Joan won't get to say goodbye to Sean or give him a wolf figurine.

Hugging Karen[]

You hugged Karen before leaving
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
  • Episode 5
    • Raises Karen's Bond score by 3 points.
    • Sean says "Thanks, Mom" and gives Karen a long, tight hug.

You didn't hug Karen
  • Episode 5
    • Lowers Karen's Bond score by 4 points.
    • Sean only pats Karen on her arm and says "Thank you for helping us, Karen".

Madison and Diego's Argument[]

You intervened to calm Diego in the cells
  • Episode 5
    • Officer Campbell doesn't have to de-escalate the situation and takes Sean to the interrogation room.

You stayed out of the argument
  • Episode 5
    • Officer Campbell arrives and de-escalates the situation, threatening to "get mean" if there's any more fighting.

Freeing the Couple[]

You freed the Mexican couple
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Raises Daniel's Morality score by 1 point.
  • Episode 5
    • The couple successfully escape the Station.
    • Sean will be glad to have helped them.
    • The Police radio mentions their escape.

You didn't open the couple's cell
  • Episode 5
    • The couple will stay in jail.
    • Sean will feel bad for not helping them.
    • The police radio will only mention Sean and Daniel.

Freeing the Vigilantes[]

You asked Daniel to open the vigilantes' cell
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Raises Daniel's Morality score by 1 point.
    • (Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point, only if he refuses.)
  • Episode 5
    • High Morality (≥ -5): Daniel will accept.
      • Luke and Madison will be baffled by the gesture and stay quiet for the rest of Sean and Daniel's escape.
    • Low Morality (< -5): Daniel will refuse.
      • Luke and Madison will stay locked up and keep on shouting at Sean and Daniel.

You didn't ask Daniel to free the vigilantes
  • Episode 5
    • Daniel doesn't have to consider opening their cell.
    • Luke and Madison will stay locked up and keep on shouting at Sean and Daniel, unless they are knocked out.

Revenge on the Vigilantes[]

You asked Daniel to take revenge on the vigilantes
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Morality score:
      • By 2 points if he accepts.
      • By 1 point if he refuses.
    • Affects Daniel's Brotherhood:
      • Raising the score by 1 point if he accepts.
      • Lowering the score by 2 points if he refuses.
  • Episode 5
    • High Morality (≥ -5): Daniel will refuse.
      • Luke and Madison will stay locked up and keep on shouting at Sean and Daniel.
    • Low Morality (< -5): Daniel will accept.
      • Luke and Madison will be knocked out by Daniel and stay quiet for the rest of Sean and Daniel's escape.

You didn't hurt the vigilantes
  • Episode 5
    • Daniel doesn't have to consider lashing out at the vigilantes.
    • Luke and Madison will stay locked up and keep on shouting at Sean and Daniel, unless they are freed.

Officer Fatalities[]

You asked Daniel to kill the officers to escape the police station
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Morality score:
      • By 4 points if he's forced to kill them.
      • By 3 points if he's okay to kill them.
      • By 2 points if he refuses to kill them.
    • (Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 2 points, only if he's forced to kill them or refuses.)
  • Episode 5
    • Sean will ask Daniel to crush the officers.
    • High Morality (≥ -5): Daniel will refuse and be reluctant towards the idea.
    • Low Morality (< -5): Daniel will accept the idea without any protest.

You didn't ask Daniel to kill the officers to escape the police station
  • Episode 5
    • Daniel doesn't have to consider killing the officers.



Daniel was told off about the scorpion and stopped messing with it

Caused by: Sean telling Daniel not to mess with the scorpion and Daniel having High Morality (≥ -5).

  • Effects on Daniel
    • Raises Daniel's Morality score by 1 point.
  • Episode 5
    • Sean reprimands Daniel for messing with the scorpion.
    • Daniel quickly agrees to leave the scorpion alone.

Daniel was told off about the scorpion but kept on messing with it

Caused by: Sean telling Daniel not to mess with the scorpion and Daniel having Low Morality (< -5).

  • Effects on Daniel
    • Raises Daniel's Morality score by 1 point.
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 2 points.
  • Episode 5
    • Sean reprimands Daniel for messing with the scorpion.
    • Daniel argues with Sean before violently throwing the scorpion to the side.
      • High Brotherhood (≥ 7): Daniel ends the argument and promises not to do it again.
      • Low Brotherhood (< 7): Daniel keeps arguing, retorting to Sean that he didn't even kill the scorpion.
      • Note: In this case, while Daniel's Morality is first checked, then influenced, Daniel's Brotherhood gets impacted before his dependent line; therefore, you should technically enter the scene with a Brotherhood ≥ 9 if you want Daniel to end the argument.
    • After hearing an eagle while walking down the canyon, Daniel will mention the scorpion again.

Daniel wasn't told off about the scorpion

Caused by: Sean telling Daniel that there's no time to play.

  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Morality score by 1 point.
  • Episode 5
    • Sean will ask Daniel to stop playing with the scorpion, downplaying the potential harm being caused to the creature.

Joan's Sculpture[]

Daniel managed to set up Joan's sculpture like he wanted
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 2 points.
  • Note: Daniel's preferred order of the pieces is: the earth ball, the pancake head, and the spider. There is no significance in how the pieces are rotated.
  • Episode 5
    • Sean agrees to help Joan set up her new sculpture.
    • Daniel will be delighted Sean listened to his suggestions.

Daniel managed to set up Joan's sculpture with your help
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
  • Episode 5
    • Sean agrees to help Joan set up her new sculpture.
    • Daniel will note it's not what he wanted but he's not bothered either.

Daniel managed to set up Joan's sculpture without your help
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
  • Episode 5
    • Sean states he doesn't want to interfere with Joan's art.
    • Daniel will set up the sculpture himself.

Daniel's Concern[]

Daniel was concerned about hurting Officer Campbell

Caused by: Daniel having High Morality (≥ -5).

  • Episode 5
    • Daniel acts more calm and gentle while breaking Sean out.
    • He unintentionally knocks out Officer Campbell against the wall and immediately seems sorry about that.
    • When Sean walks over to check Campbell's pulse, Daniel gets scared that he might've killed the officer, waiting until Sean confirms he's fine.

Daniel wasn't concerned about Officer Campbell

Caused by: Daniel having Low Morality (< -5).

  • Note: There's a minor mistake in the game's code. If Daniel's morality is technically high (≥ -5) but the value is still below 0, Campbell will be thrown to the side after the cutscene, even though Daniel didn't. The player doesn't have to worry that Daniel's morality out of nowhere became low; however, it is a good indicator that if Sean asks him to hurt the vigilantes and/or kill the officers, Daniel's morality might become a value < -5, which is what the game considers to be the actual Low Morality in Episode 5.
  • Episode 5
    • Daniel acts more angry and violent while breaking Sean out.
    • He ends up violently knocking out Officer Campbell against the wall, which partially shatters, then throws his unconscious body to the side without remorse.
    • When Sean walks over to check Campbell's pulse, Daniel fiercely tells him to hurry up and stop checking on the officer.

Freeing the Vigilantes[]

Daniel accepted to open the vigilantes' cell

Caused by: Daniel having High Morality (≥ -5).

  • Effects on Daniel
    • Raises Daniel's Morality score by 1 point.
  • Episode 5
    • The vigilantes (Madison especially) are baffled by this gesture and aren't sure what to do. Luke politely thanks Sean and Daniel, and they then decide to keep their heads down.
    • They will stay quiet for the rest of Sean and Daniel's escape.

Daniel refused to free the vigilantes

Caused by: Daniel having Low Morality (< -5).

  • Effects on Daniel
    • Raises Daniel's Morality score by 1 point.
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
  • Episode 5
    • Daniel refuses to open the cell because of what they did to him.
    • Luke and Madison will keep on shouting at Sean and Daniel.

Daniel wasn't asked to free the vigilantes
  • Episode 5
    • Daniel doesn't have to consider opening their cell.
    • Luke and Madison will keep on shouting at Sean and Daniel, unless they are knocked out.

Revenge on the Vigilantes[]

Daniel accepted to take revenge on the vigilantes

Caused by: Daniel having Low Morality (< -5).

  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Morality score by 2 points.
    • Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
  • Episode 5
    • Daniel uses his powers to knock out both vigilantes.
    • They will stay quiet for the rest of Sean and Daniel's escape.

Daniel refused to take revenge on the vigilantes

Caused by: Daniel having High Morality (≥ -5).

  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Morality score by 1 point.
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 2 points.
  • Episode 5
    • Daniel initially starts to do it but quickly stops and tells Sean they're better than this.
    • Luke and Madison will keep on shouting at Sean and Daniel.

Daniel didn't have to lash out at the vigilantes
  • Episode 5
    • Daniel doesn't have to consider lashing out at the vigilantes.
    • Luke and Madison will keep on shouting at Sean and Daniel, unless they are freed.

The Officers' Fate[]

Daniel killed the officers when leaving the police station

Caused by: Sean asking Daniel to kill the officers and Daniel having Low Morality (< -5) or High Morality (≥ -5) at an Average Level (< 6), eventually High Brotherhood (≥ 10).

  • Note: This is the very last decision in the story that impacts Daniel's Morality. Even if Daniel was acting gentle and concerned for the officers at the police station, this choice can still alter his moral attitude before the final scene.
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Morality score:
      • By 4 points if he's forced to kill them.
      • By 3 points if he's okay to kill them.
    • (Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 2 points, only if he's forced to kill them.)
  • Episode 5
    • Sean asks Daniel to get rid of the officers.
    • High Morality (≥ -5): Daniel will refuse and be reluctant towards the idea.
      • Average Morality (< 6)/High Brotherhood (≥ 10): After Sean firmly repeats his demand, Daniel will comply.
    • Low Morality (< -5): Daniel will accept the idea without any protest.

Daniel knocked out the officers

Caused by: Sean asking Daniel to hurt the officers.

  • Effects on Daniel
    • Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
  • Episode 5
    • Sean asks Daniel to throw the locker at the officers, and the latter listens.
    • High Morality (≥ -4): Daniel feels remorseful about hurting more people.
    • Low Morality (< -4): Daniel doesn't show remorse and calls the officers idiots.
    • Note: In this case, even if Daniel says his "idiots" line while his Morality = -5, his actions during the final scene will still be characteristic of High Morality.

Daniel locked up the officers in a closet

Caused by: Sean asking Daniel to confine the officers.

  • Note: This is the very last decision in the story that impacts Daniel's Morality. Even if Daniel was acting violent and careless at the police station, this choice can still alter his moral attitude before the final scene.
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Raises Daniel's Morality score by 1 point.
    • Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
  • Episode 5
    • Sean asks Daniel to lock the officers up in the closet, and the latter listens.
    • Sean and Daniel escape the police station without causing harm to the officers.

Daniel was forced to intervene because the officers got too close

Caused by: Sean running out of time while deciding what to do with the approaching officers.

  • Note: This is the very last situation in the story that impacts Daniel's Morality. Even if Daniel was acting gentle and concerned for the officers at the police station, this outcome can still alter his moral attitude before the final scene.
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Morality score by 2 points.
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
  • Episode 5
    • One of the officers whacks Sean with his gun, and Daniel throws both policemen toward the end of the room in panic.
    • High Morality (≥ -4): Daniel feels remorseful about hurting more people.
    • Low Morality (< -4): Daniel doesn't show remorse and calls the officers idiots.

Daniel's Attitude Towards Killing[]

Daniel was okay to kill the officers

Caused by: Daniel having Low Morality (< -5).

  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Morality score by 3 points.
  • Episode 5
    • When Sean asks Daniel to get rid of the officers, Daniel doesn't protest at all.
    • Daniel grabs the officers by their necks, breaks their bones, then throws their bodies toward the end of the room.
    • Daniel doesn't feel remorse about what he did.

Daniel was reluctant but forced to kill the officers

Caused by: Daniel having High Morality (≥ -5) at an Average Level (< 6), eventually High Brotherhood (≥ 10).

  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Morality score by 4 points.
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 2 points.
  • Episode 5
    • When Sean asks Daniel to get rid of the officers, Daniel is startled and he refuses to do so.
    • After Sean firmly repeats his demand, Daniel complies and grabs the officers by their necks, then throws toward the end of the room.
    • Daniel feels remorseful and hurt by Sean's treatment.

Daniel refused to kill the officers

Caused by: Daniel having High Morality (≥ -5), eventually Very High Morality (≥ 6) and Low Brotherhood (< 10).

  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Morality score by 2 points.
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 2 points.
  • Notes:
    • The negative impacts on Morality and Brotherhood happen regardless of whether Sean lets the idea go or attempts to force Daniel.
    • How the encounter with the officers ends will still affect Daniel. For instance, if he refuses to kill them AND is forced to intervene, he will lose a total of 4 Morality points and 3 Brotherhood points.
  • Episode 5
    • When Sean asks Daniel to get rid of the officers, Daniel is startled and he refuses to do so.
      • Sean can choose to let the idea go and not force Daniel.
      • Very High Morality (≥ 6) and Low Brotherhood (< 10): Sean can choose to try and force Daniel, but he will be defied either way.

Daniel wasn't asked to kill the officers
  • Episode 5
    • Daniel doesn't have to consider killing the officers.


Sean and Daniel's Bond[]

Overall, you and Daniel became close during the journey

Caused by: Daniel having High Brotherhood (≥ 7) during the game's finale.

Choices and situations that raise Daniel's Brotherhood/keep it high:

Episode 1:

  • Give Daniel the Chock-O-Crisp. (+2)
  • Confront Brett before the accident in Seattle. (+2)
  • Teach Daniel about trail-blazing. (+1)
  • Let Daniel fall and get dirty (presumably a game error). (+3)
  • Teach Daniel to skip stones. (+1)
  • Don't get Daniel mad at the riverside. (0)
  • Let Daniel have a decent night. (0)
  • Beg for food yourself (regardless of the result). (+1)
  • Have one of the brothers win a chibi Power Bear. (+1)
  • Get enough food for Daniel. (+4)
  • Run away from the gas station without harming Hank. (0)
  • Promise Daniel that you won't lie to him. (+3)

Episode 2:

  • Throw the snowball properly. (+2)
  • Don't call Daniel out for cheating during the first dice game. (0)
  • Step forward when Daniel lifts the cougar. (0)
  • Ask Daniel in the bedroom if using the power hurts. (+1)
  • Don't stop Daniel when he makes the dishes float at breakfast behind Claire's back:
    • Choose in the prompt to say nothing. (+1)
    • Run out of time to respond. (0)
  • Tell Daniel he doesn't have to learn. (+1)
  • Low Morality (< 0): If Daniel refuses/isn't asked to tidy the room, clean it yourself. (+1)
  • Concede to Daniel when he saves Chris at the treehouse. (+1)
  • Tell Daniel to protect the secret. (+2)
  • Use Daniel's power to save Stephen. (+2)
  • Don't let Chris get hit by a police car:
    • Daniel saves Chris because he was encouraged to use his power. (+4)
    • Daniel doesn't have to save Chris because he told him the truth. (0)

Episode 3:

  • Be understanding when Daniel mentions Karen. (+1)
  • Sympathize with Daniel when he compares your job to prison. (+1)
  • Tell Daniel to slow down after he cuts himself with scissors. (+1)
  • Help Daniel with the dishes in general, or at least offer a hand. (+1)
  • Refuse Finn's joint at the campfire. (0)
  • Go to bed with Daniel. (+4)
  • Stand up for Daniel when he hits Big Joe. (+2)
  • Agree to the heist:
    • At the campsite. (+2)
    • In Merrill's kitchen. (0)
  • Don't let Big Joe join the final confrontation (regardless of who you go with). (+1)
  • Don't let Finn get killed during the final confrontation:
    • Finn survives after Sean asks Daniel to use his power. (+3)
    • Finn survives after Sean asks Daniel not to move. (+1)

Episode 4:

  • Be understanding when Daniel apologizes for the eye:
    • Tell Daniel it's not his fault. (+2)
    • Tell Daniel it's all in the past. (+1)
  • Be "more reliable" during your face-off with Lisbeth:
    • Sean ends up killing Lisbeth while Daniel wants to hurt her. (+2)
    • Lisbeth is successfully spared (regardless of Daniel's attitude). (0)

Episode 5:

  • If Lisbeth was spared, say "We're together." (+1)
  • Agree to continue the story of the Wolves. (+1)
  • Let Daniel carry the story on. (+1)
  • Don't let your discussion about the scorpion turn into an argument. (0)
  • Agree to help Joan with her sculpture:
    • Listen to Daniel's suggestions. (+2)
    • Ignore Daniel's suggestions. (+1)
  • Take part in Daniel's treasure hunt:
    • Find the hidden treasure. (+2)
    • Give up on the quest. (+1)
  • Hug Karen before leaving Away. (+1)
  • Deal with the vigilantes in a way that Daniel agrees with:
    • Daniel accepts to take revenge on them. (+1)
    • Daniel accepts to open their cell. (0)
  • Ask Daniel to lock the officers up in a closet or throw a locker at them. (+1)

  • Episode 5
    • Daniel ends the game with High Brotherhood, meaning that:
      • His trust in Sean is strong by the end of the journey. This, however, doesn't affect how he might react to Sean's final decision.
      • During his conversation with Sean in the car before the final decision, Daniel promises to always remember who he is.

Overall, you and Daniel became distant during the journey

Caused by: Daniel having Low Brotherhood (< 7) during the game's finale.

Choices and situations that reduce Daniel's Brotherhood/keep it low:

Episode 1:

  • Don't give Daniel the Chock-O-Crisp:
    • Keep it for yourself. (-1)
    • Give it to Esteban. (0)
  • Question Daniel before the accident in Seattle. (-2)
  • Don't let Daniel fall in the woods (presumably a game error). (0)
  • Get Daniel mad at the riverside. (-3)
  • Let Daniel have a bad night:
    • Daniel gets sick from the berries. (-4)
    • Daniel has nightmares from Sean's stories. (-3)
  • Send Daniel to beg for food. (-3)
  • Have Daniel distract Doris at the gas station:
    • Sean steals something from the shop. (-4)
    • Sean doesn't steal anything from the shop. (-2)
  • Don't get enough food for Daniel. (0)
  • Hit Hank and steal the camping gear before running away from the gas station. (-3)
  • Tell Daniel that you'll try to be honest. (-2)

Episode 2:

  • Don't throw the snowball properly in general. (-1)
  • Prank Daniel with a rabbit hole. (-1)
  • Call Daniel out for cheating during the first dice game. (-1)
  • Don't intervene when Daniel lifts the cougar. (-2)
  • Ask Daniel in the bedroom if the power makes him feel strong. (-1)
  • Stop Daniel when he makes the dishes float at breakfast behind Claire's back. (-1)
  • Tell Daniel it's important to learn. (-1)
  • Low Morality (< 0): If Daniel refuses/isn't asked to tidy the room, leave it like that. (-1)
  • Remind Daniel of the rules when he saves Chris at the treehouse. (-1)
  • Refuse to choose a superhero name at Chris' house. (-1)
  • Tell Daniel to stop lying to Chris. (-2)
  • Don't use Daniel's power to save Stephen. (-2)
  • Let Chris get hit by a police car. (-4)

Episode 3:

  • Tell Daniel he's too young to be playing with knives. (-1)
  • Be strict when Daniel mentions Karen. (-1)
  • Order Daniel to be silent when he compares your job to prison. (-1)
  • Yell at Daniel to focus after he cuts himself with scissors. (-1)
  • Don't offer Daniel a hand, and have him do the dishes on his own:
    • Ignore Daniel completely. (-1)
    • Have Daniel refuse to help you when asked. (0)
  • Accept Finn's joint at the campfire. (-1)
  • Stay at the campfire to get a haircut. (-3)
  • Let Finn stand up for Daniel when he hits Big Joe. (-2)
  • Disagree to the heist. (-3)
  • Let Big Joe join the final confrontation:
    • Big Joe comes after you, Finn, and Daniel. (-2)
    • Big Joe shows up after Merrill caught you on CCTV, or comes after you and Cassidy. (0)
  • Let Finn get killed during the final confrontation:
    • Finn dies after Sean asks Daniel not to move. (-4)
    • Finn dies after Sean uses the gun on Merrill. (-3)

Episode 4:

  • When Daniel apologizes for the eye, tell him he was warned. (-2)
  • Be "less reliable" during your face-off with Lisbeth:
    • Sean ends up killing Lisbeth while Daniel doesn't want to hurt her. (-3)
    • Daniel ends up killing Lisbeth in general. (-2)

Episode 5:

  • If Lisbeth was spared, say "She has no power." (0)
  • Question whether Daniel isn't too old for the story of the Wolves. (-1)
  • Reject Daniel's version of the story. (-1)
  • Have Daniel argue with you about messing with the scorpion. (-2)
  • Don't get involved in setting up Joan's sculpture. (-1)
  • Refuse to take part in Daniel's treasure hunt. (-1)
  • Don't hug Karen before leaving Away. (0)
  • Deal with the vigilantes in a way that Daniel disagrees with:
    • Daniel refuses to take revenge on them. (-2)
    • Daniel refuses to open their cell. (-1)
  • Have Daniel refuse to kill the officers. (-2)
  • Deal with the officers in an uncomfortable way for Daniel while escaping from the police station:
    • Have Daniel reluctantly kill the officers. (-2)
    • Have Daniel intervene when the officers get too close. (-1)

  • Episode 5
    • Daniel ends the game with Low Brotherhood, meaning that:
      • His trust in Sean is weak by the end of the journey. This, however, doesn't affect how he might react to Sean's final decision.
      • During his conversation with Sean in the car before the final decision, Daniel says he hates promises but will try to remember who he is.

Interactions in the Canyon[]

Lisbeth survived

Cheer Daniel up
  • Episode 5
    • Sean tells Daniel that Lisbeth must be having nightmares about him. ("She's scared.")

    • Sean comforts Daniel. ("We're together.")

      Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.

Emphasize Daniel's strength
  • Episode 5
    • Sean says that Lisbeth is lucky. ("She's lucky.")

      Lowers Daniel's Morality score by 1 point.

    • Sean notes that, without Daniel, Lisbeth is powerless. ("She has no power.")

Daniel killed Lisbeth

Address Daniel's actions
  • Episode 5
    • Sean admits to Daniel that what the younger brother did wasn't right. ("It is bad...")

      Raises Daniel's Morality score by 1 point.

    • Sean advises Daniel to use his power responsibly ("With great power...") or comforts him. ("We're the Wolf Bros!")

Go easy on Daniel
  • Episode 5
    • Sean claims that, in this case, Daniel's act was justified. ("Her or us.")

      Lowers Daniel's Morality score by 1 point.

    • Sean disparages Lisbeth, saying that he and Daniel are still better than her. ("She was evil.")

Sean killed Lisbeth

Show regrets
  • Episode 5
    • Sean tells Daniel that he thinks a lot about what happened. ("I do too...")

    • Sean admits that he feels bad about killing Lisbeth. ("Yes.")

      Raises Daniel's Morality score by 1 point.

Show no regrets
  • Episode 5
    • Sean dismisses Daniel's worries about what happened. ("Her or us.")

      Lowers Daniel's Morality score by 1 point.

    • Sean states that, all things considered, he doesn't feel bad about killing Lisbeth. ("No.")

      Lowers Daniel's Morality score by 1 point.

Admit to sort of being criminals
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Raises Daniel's Morality score by 1 point.
  • Episode 5
    • Sean tells Daniel that, after all they did, the brothers sort of are criminals.

Refuse to consider yourselves criminals
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Morality score by 2 points.
  • Episode 5
    • Sean asserts the brothers aren't criminals, since they only did what they had to.

Agree to continue the story of the Wolves
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
  • Episode 5
    • Sean has no problem with telling Daniel the rest of the Wolf Brothers story.

Question whether Daniel isn't too old
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
  • Episode 5
    • Sean asks Daniel if he isn't too old for such stories by now, at which Daniel scoffs.

Let Daniel carry the story on
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Raises Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
  • Episode 5
    • Sean listens to Daniel's ending of the story.
    • High Morality (≥ -5): Daniel excitedly finishes the story with the two wolves befriending a unicorn, slaying goblins, becoming heroes, and friends visiting them in Mexico. Sean genuinely likes the ending.
    • Low Morality (< -5): Daniel fiercely finishes the story with fighting the evil chupacabra, the little wolf murdering him, and the wolves becoming heroes in Mexico. Sean playfully calls Daniel Stephen King Jr.

Reject Daniel's version
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Brotherhood score by 1 point.
  • Episode 5
    • Sean doesn't let Daniel go on and says he can make his own version.
    • High Brotherhood (≥ 0): Daniel doesn't mind so much.
    • Low Brotherhood (< 0): Daniel is visibly disappointed again.
    • Note: In this case, Daniel's Brotherhood is impacted by your refusal right before his response; therefore, you should technically enter the scene with a Brotherhood ≥ 1 if you want Daniel to be fine with it.

Draw Daniel as a chilled superhero
  • Episode 5
    • High Morality (≥ -5): Daniel genuinely likes how he's depicted.
    • Low Morality (< -5): Daniel remarks he doesn't look badass enough.

Draw Daniel as a badass superhero
  • Episode 5
    • High Morality (≥ -5): Daniel thinks he looks too evil, like a supervillain.
    • Low Morality (< -5): Daniel genuinely likes how he's depicted.

Daniel accepts Sean's help in the canyon

Caused by: Daniel having High Brotherhood (≥ 7).

  • Episode 5
    • Sean offers Daniel his help.
    • Daniel accepts and warmly addresses he didn't really need help.

Daniel refuses Sean's help in the canyon

Caused by: Daniel having Low Brotherhood (< 7).

  • Episode 5
    • Sean offers Daniel his help.
    • Daniel refuses and gets down himself.

Daniel isn't offered any help in the canyon
  • Episode 5
    • Daniel gets down the ledge by himself and catches up with Sean.

Strategy Talk[]

Karen advises Sean and Daniel at breakfast to stay true to themselves and let no one get in the way of their goal.

Take into account how Esteban raised you
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Raises Daniel's Morality score by 2 points.
  • Episode 5
    • Lowers Karen's Bond score by 2 points.
    • Sean is uncertain of Karen's advice as he recalls how Esteban raised him and Daniel.
    • If Karen didn't witness Lisbeth's death, she argues she just wants Sean and Daniel to get what they both deserve.
    • If Karen witnessed one of the brothers killing Lisbeth, she remarks that making hard decisions is unavoidable at times.

Say you'll do whatever it takes
  • Effects on Daniel
    • Lowers Daniel's Morality score by 2 points.
  • Episode 5
    • Sean confidently states that he and Daniel are ready to do anything to survive.
    • If Karen didn't witness Lisbeth's death, she agrees it's fair and warmly approves of Sean's attitude.
    • If Karen witnessed one of the brothers killing Lisbeth, she remarks that making hard decisions is unavoidable at times.

Officer on the Floor[]

Daniel feels sorry about the officer

Caused by: Daniel having High Morality (≥ -5).

  • Episode 5
    • Daniel kneels next to the officer to check on him, troubled.
    • He asks Sean, guilt in his voice, if he thinks the officer is dead. Sean reassures Daniel it will only end with a headache. Daniel apologizes to the unconscious officer.

Daniel doesn't care about the officer

Caused by: Daniel having Low Morality (< -5).

  • Episode 5
    • Daniel kneels over the officer to examine him without much care.
    • He tells Sean that's what the officer deserves. Sean responds, with a bit of hesitation about Daniel's violence, that it's better for them the policeman is unconscious.

Education Events[]

Sean's Events - Episode Five[]

  • Based on whether Daniel starts the episode with High Morality (≥ -5), Sean's depiction of him as he uses the power in Entry #102 will reflect his character.

Daniel's Events - Episode Five[]

  • If Daniel starts the episode with High Morality (≥ -5), his drawings in Entry #107 will be casual sketches. Otherwise, Daniel will have drawn a violent scene with a monster devouring people.
  • If Daniel starts the episode with High Morality (≥ -5), there will be "DON'T DO BAD, please" written in the upper right corner of his Captain Spirit drawing at Away. Otherwise, nothing will have been added.
  • While hiking together at dusk, Daniel's response to Karen playfully warning him of the hunters can be based on every possible alignment of Morality and Brotherhood.
  • If Daniel has High Morality (≥ -5) at the police station, he can look down and tear up if he's idle.