Life is Strange Wiki
Life is Strange Wiki

"Okay, okay! Whoa, whoa! Who stopped the music, okay?" — DJ Doom in "Dark Room"

DJ Doom is a prestigious DJ in the Arcadia Bay area. He is hired for a performance at the Vortex Club's "End of the World" Party in the fourth episode of Life is Strange. Presumably, his appearance is a perk paid for by the Prescott family for the benefit of the Vortex Club and the Blackwell students.

DJ Doom's popularity is emphasized by the fact Max Caulfield expresses her awe in the fact that the Vortex Club hired him.

Episode Four - "Dark Room"[]

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His only appearance is during the Vortex Club Party in this episode. If Max is not on the guest list, she must enter the VIP section to the right of the pool. DJ Doom comes after Max angrily if she attempts to enter the VIP section this way, as she pushes the lane reel into the pool, wrecking the sound equipment and stopping his set. Max rewinds in order to stop him from getting to her, enabling her to enter the VIP area safely. DJ Doom moves away and lowers the music in order for Mark Jefferson to announce Victoria Chase as the winner of the Everyday Heroes contest.


His name is incredibly symbolic of the true intentions of the party, as well as the later events of the episode. His shirt has the word "fate" on it, which further intensifies the symbolism.



  • DJ Doom has a flash and a skull tattoo on his left arm.