Finding Arcadia Bay is a three-part documentary by a husband and wife team that explores why the video game Life is Strange has emotionally affected so many of its players and compelled them to create art. The first episode was released on October 17, 2017. Backers of the project would receive a bonus episode.
"I’m Chris Neville, an indie filmmaker, working on a self-produced documentary that I am shooting over the summer (2017) and release this fall. The subject will be on the players of Life Is Strange and their reactions to the game, with a focus on their emotional expression through art. I would like to explore why this game, more than others, has emotionally affected so many of its players."
- Chris Neville (Finalsignal Productions) - nature videographer.
- Robin Neville (Komadori Photography) - photographer.
Interviewed Artists[]
As of April 8, 2018, the parts of the documentary have respectively ca. 6k, 2k and 4k views, 345, 127 and 303 likes and 5, 2 and 4 dislikes on YouTube.
On December 7, 2017, Don't Nod praised the documentary on its social media channels with the following words:
Facebook variant: Shout out to Finalsignal Productions & Komadori Photography for this incredible Life is Strange documentary! Let’s travel to Oregon for an emotional journey! Thank you so much for that 😊[1]
Twitter variant: Shout out to Chris Neville for this incredible Life is Strange documentary! Let’s travel to Oregon for an emotional journey! Thank you so much for that 😊[2]