Life is Strange Wiki
Before the Storm

"Ready for the best shower of my life. Hot water, don't let me down.


Chloe's comment in "Hell is Empty"

Price Household Bathroom is a bathroom located upstairs adjacent to Joyce and David's room in the Price Household. It is explorable.

Episode One - "Awake"[]

When Chloe Price searches for her phone, she hears it ringing from the bathroom. She finds it underneath a towel in the corner of the room.

Episode Three - "Hell is Empty"[]

Chloe returns home from Rachel Amber's house and decides to take a shower before she meets Frank Bowers at the junkyard. She searches the bathroom for her pirate towel and finds it in a container along with blue hair dye.


PC users: Hover over the text to see Chloe's comments. See here for all interactions in the game.

Episode One - "Awake"[]

  • Chloe can look at the hair dye inside a cabinet. (Comment: "Mom's hiding her gray hair to impress her boyfriend. Maybe
    gray hair's his kryptonite. Maybe I should dye my hair gray.")
  • She can look at a pirate towel. (Comment: "The preferred towel of Captain Bluebeard, Scourge of Arrrr-cadia Bay.")
  • She can look at and take her phone from the floor, after calling it with Joyce's phone (required). (Comment: Look: "Ugh... I drank way too much last night. Or was it just enough?"
    Take: "There we go. Wonder how many calls I've missed.")

Episode Three - "Hell Is Empty"[]

  • Chloe can look for her towel (required):
    • She can look at and search the hamper. (Comment: Look: "Maybe Mom threw my towel in here?"
      Search: "No awesome pirate towel.")
    • She can look at and search a drawer. (Comment: Look: "A logical place for a towel."
      Search: "Lots of washcloths, no towel.")
    • She can look at and search a tub (required). (Comment: Look: "I don’t even know what's in there."
      Search: "Score. Can't believe Max and I were so into this shit when we were kids. Waitaminute.")
      • She can look at a bottle of blue hair dye (required). (Comment: "Captain Bluebeard's hair dye. Max was going to make me a pirate, but we never got around to it...")
  • She can look at an electric razor. (Comment: "I truly hate seeing so much of David's shit around here.")
  • She can open the medicine cabinet.
    • She can look at pomade. (Comment: "Gross.")
  • She can take a shower (required).

