Life is Strange Wiki

The Train Tracks are an explorable location in Life is Strange. The location re-appears in the prequel, Life is Strange: Before the Storm.

Life is Strange[]

Episode Two - "Out of Time"[]

While exploring the junkyard, Chloe ends up getting her foot caught in the tracks. A train is seen approaching. Max quickly finds a crowbar and pries Chloe off the tracks. The train passes by without incident.


PC users: Hover over the text to see Max's comments. See here for all interactions in the game.
  • Max can look at and speak to Chloe. (Comment: "Max, you can't just yank Chloe out like a superhero. Move!")
  • She can look at and try to pull the switching lever. (Comment: Look: "I need to pull this switching lever right now!"
    Pull: "I can't even move it an inch!")
  • She can look at and open the fuse box (required). (Comment: Look: "Hmmm, maybe I can open this fuse box."
    Open: "Awesome, it's not locked!")
  • She can look at and push the cable drum (required). (Comment: Look: "I don't know. This looks way too heavy... and right over the switching lever..."
    Push with wedge: "Damn, something is blocking the drum!"
    Push: "Whoa, I seriously wrecked the switching lever. This should help me free Chloe,
    but I could have done it another way...")
    • She can look at and lift Chloe up afterwards. (Comment: "Max, you fucked up. Now yank Chloe out yourself, superhero!")
  • She can look at and take a crowbar. (Comment: Look: "A crowbar! This is exactly what I need!"
    Take: "I can definitely use this bad boy!")
  • She can look at and use the crowbar on a wedge. (Comment: Look: "This wedge locks the drum in place..."
    Crowbar: "Now I can finally move the drum.")
  • She can try using the crowbar on the switching lever. (Comment: "I can't even move it with this crowbar! For real?")
  • She can try to open a shed door. (Comment: Open: "Shit, I can't budge it at all!"
    Open with crowbar: "Score!"
    Open from inside: "Hey cool, now I don't have to force the door open from the other side.")
  • She can open three drawers inside the shed.
  • She can look at and take the pliers from one of the drawers. (Comment: Look: "Yes! Pliers!"
    Take: "Now I can pull a total MacGyver!")
  • She can look at and take an axe from a wall. (Comment: Look: "Man, that ax looks sharp... too sharp. Wait a minute..."
    Take: "Okay, what can I slice with this?")
  • She can try using the axe on Chloe. (Comment: "I don't want to use this ax... Good Lord, Max, she's not a zombie, find another way!")
  • She can try using the axe on the fusebox. (Comment: "Maybe an ax isn't the best precision tool for electronics...")
  • She can cut several wires inside the fusebox with pliers. (Comment: "But which wire to cut?")
    • Green (Comment: "Stupid light. No go. Shit.")
    • Yellow (Comment: "Whoa—short circuit city!")
    • Red (Comment: "Now that's the right cable!")
  • She can pull the switching lever after cutting the red wire (required). (Comment: "Yes! I did it!")

Before the Storm[]



Life is Strange[]

Before the Storm[]
